




Little Energy for Peace in the Middle East

By Thomas L. Friedman

ⒸInternational Herald Tribune

The only thing that might work in the Mideast is radical pragmatism -- a pragmatism that is as radical and energetic as the extremism that it hopes to nullify.

When I reported from Israel in the mid-1980s, the big debate here was whether Israel's settlement-building in the West Bank had passed a point of no return -- a point where any serious withdrawal became virtually impossible to imagine. The question was often framed as: "Is it five minutes to midnight or five minutes after midnight?" Well, having taken a little drive through part of the West Bank, as I always do when I visit, it strikes me more than ever that it's not only five after midnight, it's five after midnight and a whole week later.

The West Bank today is an ugly quilt of high walls, Israeli checkpoints, "legal" and "illegal" Jewish settlements, Arab villages, Jewish roads that only Israeli settlers use, Arab roads and roadblocks. This hard and heavy reality on the ground is not going to be reversed by any conventional peace process. "The two-state solution is disappearing," said Mansour Tahboub, senior editor, at the West Bank newspaper Al-Ayyam.

Indeed, we are at a point now where the only thing that might work is what I would call "radical pragmatism" -- a pragmatism that is as radical and energetic as the extremism that it hopes to nullify. Without that, I fear, Israel will remain permanently pregnant with a stillborn Palestinian state in its belly.

Why we need a radical departure is obvious: The business-as-usual course that Israelis and Palestinians are on right now does not have enough energy or authority to produce a solution. With the encouragement of the Bush administration, Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank are negotiating a draft peace treaty that supposedly will be put on the shelf, until the Palestinians have enough capability to implement it. I seriously doubt that the parties will reach an agreement, let alone have the energy to implement it.

The Israeli-Palestinian energy shortage today is on three levels: First is the level of hope and trust. Ever since the breakdown of the Oslo agreement, the romance has gone out of the peace process. Israelis and Palestinians remind me of a couple who, after a stormy courtship, finally get married and one year after they tie the knot they each cheat on the other: Israelis kept on building settlements and the Palestinians kept on building hate. When you cheat and have war after peace, trust vanishes for a long time.

The trust deficit is exacerbated by the fact that after Israel quit the Gaza Strip in 2005, Palestinians, instead of building Singapore there, built Somalia and focused not on how to make microchips, but on how to make rockets to hit Israel.

The second energy shortage comes from the fact that Israel, with the wall that it has erected around the West Bank, has so effectively shut down Palestinian suicide bombers that the Israeli public right now feels no sense of urgency, especially with the Israeli economy booming. The West Bank behind the wall might as well be in Afghanistan.

"Today, you have neither the romanticism of the peace process before Oslo fell apart nor a visible disaster knocking at the gates of Israel's consciousness," noted the Haaretz columnist Ari Shavit.

The third energy shortage is the fact that the political system in both Israel and among the Palestinians is so internally divided that neither one can generate the authority to take a big decision.

Only the US can overcome this diplomatic brownout by offering some radical pragmatism, and the logic would be this: If Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas does not get control over at least part of the West Bank soon, he will have no authority to sign any draft peace treaty with Israel. He will be totally discredited.

But Israel cannot cede control over any part of the West Bank without being assured that someone credible is in charge. Rockets from Gaza land on the remote Israeli town of Sderot. Rockets from the West Bank could hit, and close, Israel's international airport. That is an intolerable risk. Israel has got to start ceding control over at least part of the West Bank but in a way that doesn't expose the Jewish state to closure of its airport.

Radical pragmatism would say that the only way to balance the Palestinians' need for sovereignty now with Israel's need for a withdrawal now, but without creating a security vacuum, is to enlist a trusted third party -- Jordan -- to help the Palestinians control whatever West Bank land is ceded to them. Jordan does not want to rule the Palestinians, but it, too, has a vital interest in not seeing the West Bank fall under Hamas rule.

Without a radically pragmatic new approach -- one that gets Israel moving out of the West Bank, gets the Palestinian Authority real control and sovereignty, but one which also addresses the deep mistrust by bringing in Jordan as a Palestinian partner -- any draft treaty will be dead on arrival.






Hamas: We would honor a West Bank truce

Jun 19, 2008 23:57 Updated Jun 21, 2008 0:52

Although the cease-fire agreement between Hamas and Israel does not include the West Bank at this stage, Hamas officials said Thursday they have instructed their supporters there to act as if it does.

Hamas will abide by the tahadiyeh [period of calm] in the West Bank as long as Israel refrains from targeting our members there," said a top Hamas official in Gaza City. He pointed out that in recent months Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's security forces had arrested more Hamas members in the West Bank than the IDF.

Asked if Hamas would violate the cease-fire agreement if Israel targeted its members in the West Bank, the official said his movement "maintains the right to respond to any Israeli breach."

Under the terms of the Egyptian-brokered agreement, Hamas officials said, the cease-fire will be formally extended to the West Bank in four to six months.

Abbas, on a visit to Yemen on Thursday, was quoted as saying he welcomed the Gaza cease-fire and was now open to the formation of a national unity government with Hamas.

Earlier this week, Fatah officials announced that Abbas would soon visit Gaza for the first time since Hamas's violent takeover of the territory in June 2007, and that a reconciliation between Hamas and Abbas's Fatah faction was under way.

Two weeks ago, Abbas formed a committee of senior officials to prepare for "national dialogue" with Hamas - spurred by a plan presented a few months ago by Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Hamas has never had a strong armed presence in the West Bank, although it does enjoy popular support there.

The movement's armed wing, Izaddin Kassam, had a few cells that used to operate mostly in Hebron, Bethlehem, Jenin and Tulkarm.

But over the past two years, Hamas officials and activists in the West Bank have been targeted by both the Fatah-dominated PA security forces and Israel.

The clampdown began almost immediately after the abduction of Cpl. Gilad Schalit in June 2006. Dozens of Hamas cabinet ministers, legislators and activists have since been arrested by Israel and by Abbas's forces.

The crackdown on Hamas in the West Bank escalated after the movement seized control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007. Many Hamas institutions have also been closed by Abbas's forces. Hamas claims that almost every day Abbas's security forces arrest a number of its followers in the West Bank.

Members of Islamic Jihad, which has long been active in Bethlehem and Jenin, have also been targeted by both the IDF and Fatah-controlled security forces, especially in the past two years.

Islamic Jihad officials also warned Thursday that they would not remain idle if Israel continued to target their members in the West Bank.

Under pressure from the Egyptians and Hamas, Islamic Jihad has agreed to honor the agreement in the Gaza Strip despite its reservations.

Islamic Jihad official Nafez Azzam said their main reservations were related to the fact that the West Bank was not included in the deal. He added that Islamic Jihad was also unhappy with the uncertainty over the reopening of the Rafah crossing between Sinai and Gaza.

Ziad Nakhaleh, the No. 2 in Islamic Jihad, warned that his group would respond to any Israeli violation of the agreement. "We will respond even if the violation takes place in the West Bank," he said.イスラム聖戦組織のナンバー2であるジアド・ナカエフ氏は、イスラエルによる停戦合意違反がいかなるものであっても、対処すると警告した。「もし西岸で違反が見られたなら、我々はそれに対処するだろう」とナカエフ氏は述べた。(了)





'Hamas can't stop weapons-smuggling'

Jun 20, 2008 19:48 Updated Jun 21, 2008 4:38

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh denied on Friday that Hamas had agreed to stop weapons-smuggling efforts on Gaza's border with Egypt as part of the cease-fire deal with Israel, and claimed that it was incapable of such action.

According to a Reuters report, Haniyeh - speaking to worshipers ahead of Friday prayers in Gaza City - said: "We cannot talk about stopping smuggling because it is something beyond our ability as a government and we did not give a commitment in this regard."

Haniyeh added that Hamas would not force other organizations in Gaza to abide by the truce, but added that they had nevertheless agreed to it voluntarily.

In response government spokesperson Mark Regev said that the cease-fire agreement included a halt to weapons-smuggling and to attacks by all Gaza groups.




Ratify Humanitarian Law

U.S. Lawmakers Should OK Arms Regulations

By JEFF ABRAMSON Published: 21 April 2008

In a rare alignment of U.S. congressional and administration policies on arms control, the Senate has the opportunity to approve global restrictions on the use of weapons that are especially harmful to noncombatants.

On April 15, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee heard testimony from State and Defense Department officials urging support of key protocols to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). These amendments regulate the use of incendiary weapons, ban the use of blinding laser weapons and address the effects of explosive remnants of war.

As Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., noted, the new protocols "carry broad support within the United States and bridge any partisan divide." The Senate can and should act quickly to ensure the ratification process is completed before the end of the year.

The CCW was designed to improve upon the 1949 Geneva Conventions and strengthen international humanitarian law. It was concluded in 1980 and signed by the United States in 1982.

It was not ratified, however, until midway into President Bill Clinton's administration. At that point, the United States agreed to be bound by the main text of the treaty as well as two of its protocols, the first of which prohibits the use of weapons that wound or kill by using fragments that cannot be detected by X-rays, and the second of which regulates the use of anti-personnel mines and booby-traps.

Action on other protocols is long overdue. In 1997, President Clinton submitted the CCW's third and fourth protocols to the Senate for its advice and consent. Protocol III regulates incendiary weapons, those designed to set fire to or burn their target, and prohibits their use against civilians. Protocol IV bans the use and trade of lasers designed to cause permanent blindness.

In June 2006, President George W. Bush submitted to the Senate two additional changes to the convention. The first, concluded in 2001, amends CCW Article I so that intrastate armed conflicts are treated the same as interstate armed conflicts. The second, Protocol V, concluded in 2003, deals with defining and cleaning up so-called explosive remnants of war, the unexploded and abandoned ordnance left behind after fighting ends.

The fact that the United States has yet to ratify all the CCW protocols is rather embarrassing, especially given that the United States has historically been a lead advocate for the treaty. In his explanatory note to the Senate, Bush concluded that ratification of these amendments "would advance the long-standing and historic leadership of the United States in the law of armed conflict."

It would also save lives. A recent State Department white paper conservatively estimates that more than 5,000 casualties occurred worldwide in 2006 as a result of the land mines and explosive remnants of war, weapons that would be covered in the existing and proposed CCW protocols now under consideration.

Prompt ratification would improve U.S. ability to encourage others to fully implement the treaty. It would also open the way for the United States and others to pursue assistance programs to help states meet their obligations under the convention. The Bush administration is developing a proposal to establish a U.S. quick reaction force that could be deployed to deal with explosive remnants of war and unsafe arms depots around the globe.

With the CCW, the United States bans the use of some weapons, but still has a ways to go on a specific type of weapon that can injure or kill innocents long after the fighting is over: cluster munitions. These weapons, which typically disperse over a large area and can leave many hidden, unexploded bomblets, are responsible for thousands of unnecessary civilian casualties.

For instance, since the end of U.S. bombing in 1973, cluster munitions have been responsible for more than 4,500 casualties in Laos and more than 200 casualties in Lebanon since the end of the Israeli incursion in 2006.

The United States prefers the conversation regarding cluster munitions be kept within the CCW framework because, in part, it wants to reserve the right to use them in certain instances. But frustrated by the failure of the CCW states to address the problem, Norway is spearheading an international process begun last year that has drawn in more than 80 countries that may lead to a total ban on the weapons. The United States should engage in this process too, even if it does not accept all the recommendations that result.

All these steps, especially ratification of CCW protocols, may help improve the United States' ability to provide much needed and viable leadership on conventional arms control efforts. As suggested in October by Christina Rocca, U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, conventional weapons "are perhaps a more immediate threat than weapons of mass destruction."

By Jeff Abramson, research analyst, Arms Control Association, and managing editor of Arms Control Today.






NPT: Past, Present, and Future

Daryl G. Kimball

Over the course of its 40-year existence, the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) has established an indispensable yet imperfect set of interlocking nonproliferation and disarmament obligations and standards. Rather than the dozens of nuclear-armed states that were forecast before the NPT was opened for signature in July 1968, only four additional countries beyond the original five possessors have nuclear weapons today. On the other hand, several states have abandoned nuclear weapons programs.

The NPT, bolstered by nuclear export controls and a safeguards system, makes it far more difficult for non-nuclear-weapon states to acquire or build nuclear weapons. Equally important, NPT Article VI commits the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China to achieve nuclear disarmament.

Yet, once again the nuclear nonproliferation regime is at a critical juncture. Nuclear and missile programs in the Middle East, South Asia, and North Korea, as well as the specter of nuclear terrorism, threaten regional and international stability. Several more states may get into the uranium-enrichment or plutonium reprocessing business, allowing them to become virtual nuclear-weapon states.

Since the end of the Cold War, strategic nuclear forces have been cut, but all of the nuclear-weapon states continue to rely on and modernize their nuclear arsenals. Washington has repudiated key NPT disarmament commitments made at the 1995 and 2000 NPT review conferences and has sought to carve out special exemptions from the rules for allies such as NPT holdout India.

As a result, a growing number of states believe the NPT is being applied unevenly and that the nuclear powers do not intend to fulfill their end of the NPT bargain. This has led the non-nuclear-weapon-state majority to become less willing to agree to further measures that would strengthen the treaty and the nonproliferation regime.

To re-establish the U.S. nonproliferation leadership needed to repair the system, the next president must act quickly to verifiably reduce still-bloated U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals, ratify the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), and end the pursuit of new nuclear warheads. Leaders in Washington and elsewhere must also recognize some fundamental lessons of the nuclear era in order to prevent the erosion of the NPT regime:

The possession of nuclear weapons by some states may lead others to pursue development of their own. A world of nuclear haves and have-nots cannot be sustained indefinitely. Nuclear weapons are dangerous no matter who possesses them. Although the vast majority of states have neither the resources nor the motivation to build nuclear weapons, some will hedge their bets so long as nuclear weapons are used to threaten or intimidate.

The overwhelming destructive capacity of nuclear weapons renders them useless as instruments of military power, whether against states or nonstate actors. Nuclear weapons, even “low-yield” weapons, cause unacceptable and indiscriminate damage. So long as they exist, nuclear weapons should only serve to deter the use of nuclear weapons by others. Consequently, there is no need for any state to possess more than a few hundred such weapons, if that many. The sooner the major powers act to verifiably and irreversibly eliminate their stockpiles and pledge not to attack non-nuclear-weapon states, the stronger the nonproliferation taboo will become.

Nonproliferation requires sustained diplomacy to resolve regional disputes. Nuclear weapons look more attractive to those who feel threatened or disrespected, and the NPT cannot by itself fix long-standing rivalries or perceived inequities. For that, the United States and other countries must engage in a comprehensive dialogue to help remove the underlying causes of conflict and establish the conditions for zones free of weapons of mass destruction.

NPT holdouts must be encouraged to meet the commitments expected of NPT members. It is unlikely that the three states that never acceded to the NPT (India, Israel, and Pakistan) will do so anytime soon. Yet, it is a mistake to ignore their responsibility to prevent proliferation and join with others to halt and reverse their weapons programs. To start, India, Israel, and Pakistan, along with China, should be lobbied to enter the mainstream by ratifying the CTBT and officially capping fissile material production.

Nuclear energy must not be promoted in a way that proliferates sensitive nuclear technologies. Since 1968, new states have acquired the capacity to produce nuclear bomb material through “peaceful” nuclear programs, which are guaranteed by Article IV. To reduce the risk of diversion, it is essential that nuclear fuel-cycle facilities come under multilateral or international control. Nuclear suppliers should also tighten access to a broader range of sensitive technologies. To improve transparency and confidence, all states should agree to more effective safeguards under the 1997 Model Additional Protocol.

The NPT is not doomed to failure. In response to earlier setbacks, leading states have come together to fortify the regime. But in order to survive well into this century, states must renew, strengthen, and fulfill the NPT bargain—and soon.







Defense Newsの掲載記事より。

U.S. Pans Cluster Bomb Ban, Cites 'Disagreements'

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: 29 May 18:41 EDT (14:41 GMT)

SALT LAKE CITY - The U.S. said May 29 it was committed to addressing concerns about cluster bombs but refused to sign a new ban on their use because of "disagreements" on how to solve the problem.

Diplomats from 111 countries on May 28 agreed a wide-ranging pact to outlaw the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions. The U.S., China, Russia, India, Pakistan and Israel did not participate.

"The United States is deeply concerned about the humanitarian impact not only of just cluster munitions but really the whole range of munitions that are used in war," White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said in a statement.

He said it was an "absolute moral obligation" to clean up unexploded ordnance and weapons after a conflict in order to protect innocent people, and said the U.S. had spent more than $1.2 billion doing this since 1993.

"Now, we are very strongly committed to work to address this problem, but we may have some disagreements about the right venue and the right tactics to follow in trying to solve the problem," the statement said.

Cluster munitions are among the weapons posing the gravest dangers to civilians in and after wars.

Dropped from planes or fired from artillery, they explode in mid-air, randomly scattering bomblets, with many civilians having been killed or maimed by their wide-area effect. Unexploded bomblets also pose a lasting threat.


Cluster bomb restrictions passed by Senate

By William C. Mann - The Associated PressPosted : Saturday Sep 8, 2007 7:29:07 EDT

WASHINGTON — Legislation passed by the U.S. Senate to pay for aid and other State Department operations abroad would restrict the sale or transfer of cluster bombs, lethal munitions that spread death over wide areas and often kill civilians.

A cluster bomb is designed to break up in the air and disperse 200 to 400 bomblets over an area 500 yards across. The weapon is meant to disrupt large-scale troop formations, but cluster bombs have been used increasingly in civilian areas in military confrontations across the world.

As passed by the Senate Thursday night, the $34 billion bill would forbid transfer or sale of any cluster munitions with a failure rate of more than 1 percent. The idea is to reduce the incidence of unexpected explosions of munitions that had not gone off when used.

The bill also provides military aid to familiar allies in the Middle East. Israel would receive $2.4 billion, while Egypt receives $1.3 billion. Afghanistan would receive about $1.1 billion for humanitarian assistance and reconstruction aid.

But the Senate joined the House of Representatives in denying the administration’s $456 million request for aid to Iraq; $2.8 billion in Iraq reconstruction aid provided in May has yet to be spent.

The cluster bomb restriction was sponsored by Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy and Dianne Feinstein.

“These volatile relics of the Cold War have taken their lethal toll on civilian populations all over the world for too long, from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East,” Feinstein said in a statement Friday.

Leahy said the standards set by the bill could “greatly reduce the gruesome casualties these weapons needlessly inflict on innocent civilians.”

Senate and House negotiators must now work out differences in the two bills to come up with a final version to be passed in both chambers and sent to President Bush either to sign into law or veto.

The White House told the Senate it objects to the clause and to another one in the bill that would limit aid to countries that recruit or use child soldiers. A statement said the Bush administration imposes safeguards on sales of cluster bombs and “vigilantly pursues efforts to prevent the use of children in combat.”

The senators gave these figures in a background note:

* The Gulf region has 1.2 million bomblets left unexploded from the 1991 Gulf War and the current war in Iraq. The leftover weapons have killed an estimated 1,220 Kuwaitis and 400 Iraqi civilians.

* U.S. forces in Iraq used 13,000 cluster bombs with almost 2 million bomblets in 2003, during the initial invasion. During the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 against al-Qaida centers and the Taliban government that sheltered them, the United States used 1,228 cluster bombs with 248,056 bomblets; they have killed 127 civilians, 70 percent under the age of 18.

* In Laos, U.S. bombing campaigns during the Vietnam War of the 1960s and 1970s left 9 million to 20 million bomblets, which have killed 11,000 people, three out of 10 of them children.

* Israel dropped an estimated 4 million bomblets in southern Lebanon in its war against the Hezbollah guerrillas last year, and an estimated 1 million did not explode. The background sheet cited reports that Hezbollah retaliated with cluster bombs of their own.

The U.S. military’s arsenal contains 5.5 million cluster bombs containing 728 million bomblets, the senators’ statement said. It said many fail at rates of 1 percent or higher.




New trafficking law for Thailand

By Jonathan Head BBC News, Bangkok

Story from BBC NEWS
Published: 2008/06/05 03:27:49 GMT

Thailand is set to introduce a new law in response to criticism it is still too lax in combating human trafficking.

The law, which strengthens protection for victims of trafficking, will be accompanied by a day of campaigning to raise public awareness of the problem.

Thailand attracts huge numbers of illegal migrants from poorer, neighbouring countries.

It is also an important transit route for people being trafficked in the East Asian region.

External pressure

Thailand already has an anti-trafficking law - but it does not work very well.

The police often refuse to recognise abused migrants as victims of trafficking.

A case in point is that of the survivors of an incident two months ago in which 57 Burmese migrants suffocated in a container smuggling them into Thailand.

The police argued that they were illegal immigrants, jailed and then deported them.

The UN defines a trafficking victim as anyone who is transported for purposes of exploitation.

The new law will broaden the definition of victims to include men, and make it easier to prevent them from being summarily deported.

Thailand has come under strong international pressure to improve its treatment of migrants, especially from the United States.

There have been persistent reports of Burmese workers, including children, being exploited in the seafood processing industry, which exports around $2bn (£1bn) worth of prawns to the US every year.

But changing the anti-trafficking law alone will not solve the problem.

Enforcing it requires the co-operation of a sometimes corrupt police force which activists say is itself involved in the business of smuggling illegal migrants.





Navies to tackle Somali pirates

Story from BBC NEWS
Published: 2008/06/02 23:03:59 GMT

The UN Security Council has unanimously voted to allow countries to send warships into Somalia's territorial waters to tackle pirates.

The resolution permits countries that have the agreement of Somalia's interim government to use any means to repress acts of piracy for the next six months.

Twenty-six ships have been attacked by pirates in the waters in the past year.

The vote came as the UN launched peace talks with factions involved in Somalia's conflict.

The Islamist opposition said face-to-face talks would not happen at the meeting in neighbouring Djibouti until the government set a timetable for the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops.

Rife piracy

Somalia's coastal waters are near shipping routes connecting the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and the country's government is unable to police its own coastline.

Consequently, piracy is rife off Somalia's 1,800 mile-long coast, says the BBC UN correspondent Laura Trevelyan.

The resolution was drafted by France, the US and Panama.

Our correspondent says France originally wanted to expand the motion to allow piracy to be tackled in other areas, such as West Africa.

China, Vietnam and Libya said they voted for the measure because it only applies to Somalia, and does not affect the sovereignty of other countries.

But diplomats say the Security Council action is significant because it is using the force of international law to allow navies to chase pirates and armed robbers.


Security Council envoys are holding separate meetings in Djibouti with the Somali government and the opposition at a luxury hotel on the shores of the Red Sea.

The talks, which are being held in Djibouti because Somalia is deemed too dangerous, are part of a UN plan to broker the first official direct talks between the Somali rivals.

Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991.

An Islamist insurgency there has been mounting almost daily attacks on the weak government, which is backed by the United States, because Washington believes the Islamists are associated with al-Qaeda.

The UN says almost two million Somalis desperately need assistance.

A small contingent of African Union troops is in Mogadishu but has done little to quell the violence.

The talks are being boycotted by the hard-line al-Shabab militia, blamed for many of the attacks on government troops and their Ethiopian supporters.

They refuse to hold talks until the Ethiopian troops leave the country.

President Abdullahi Yusuf says there would be a security vacuum if the Ethiopians withdrew before being replaced by UN peacekeepers.

"I am willing to do whatever it takes to promote peace and stability in Somalia," he said.

The UN mission will also visit Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where millions of people have been displaced by fighting in the east of the country.