Ratify Humanitarian Law
U.S. Lawmakers Should OK Arms Regulations
By JEFF ABRAMSON Published: 21 April 2008
In a rare alignment of U.S. congressional and administration policies on arms control, the Senate has the opportunity to approve global restrictions on the use of weapons that are especially harmful to noncombatants.
On April 15, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee heard testimony from State and Defense Department officials urging support of key protocols to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). These amendments regulate the use of incendiary weapons, ban the use of blinding laser weapons and address the effects of explosive remnants of war.
As Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., noted, the new protocols "carry broad support within the United States and bridge any partisan divide." The Senate can and should act quickly to ensure the ratification process is completed before the end of the year.
The CCW was designed to improve upon the 1949 Geneva Conventions and strengthen international humanitarian law. It was concluded in 1980 and signed by the United States in 1982.
It was not ratified, however, until midway into President Bill Clinton's administration. At that point, the United States agreed to be bound by the main text of the treaty as well as two of its protocols, the first of which prohibits the use of weapons that wound or kill by using fragments that cannot be detected by X-rays, and the second of which regulates the use of anti-personnel mines and booby-traps.
Action on other protocols is long overdue. In 1997, President Clinton submitted the CCW's third and fourth protocols to the Senate for its advice and consent. Protocol III regulates incendiary weapons, those designed to set fire to or burn their target, and prohibits their use against civilians. Protocol IV bans the use and trade of lasers designed to cause permanent blindness.
In June 2006, President George W. Bush submitted to the Senate two additional changes to the convention. The first, concluded in 2001, amends CCW Article I so that intrastate armed conflicts are treated the same as interstate armed conflicts. The second, Protocol V, concluded in 2003, deals with defining and cleaning up so-called explosive remnants of war, the unexploded and abandoned ordnance left behind after fighting ends.
The fact that the United States has yet to ratify all the CCW protocols is rather embarrassing, especially given that the United States has historically been a lead advocate for the treaty. In his explanatory note to the Senate, Bush concluded that ratification of these amendments "would advance the long-standing and historic leadership of the United States in the law of armed conflict."
It would also save lives. A recent State Department white paper conservatively estimates that more than 5,000 casualties occurred worldwide in 2006 as a result of the land mines and explosive remnants of war, weapons that would be covered in the existing and proposed CCW protocols now under consideration.
Prompt ratification would improve U.S. ability to encourage others to fully implement the treaty. It would also open the way for the United States and others to pursue assistance programs to help states meet their obligations under the convention. The Bush administration is developing a proposal to establish a U.S. quick reaction force that could be deployed to deal with explosive remnants of war and unsafe arms depots around the globe.
With the CCW, the United States bans the use of some weapons, but still has a ways to go on a specific type of weapon that can injure or kill innocents long after the fighting is over: cluster munitions. These weapons, which typically disperse over a large area and can leave many hidden, unexploded bomblets, are responsible for thousands of unnecessary civilian casualties.
For instance, since the end of U.S. bombing in 1973, cluster munitions have been responsible for more than 4,500 casualties in Laos and more than 200 casualties in Lebanon since the end of the Israeli incursion in 2006.
The United States prefers the conversation regarding cluster munitions be kept within the CCW framework because, in part, it wants to reserve the right to use them in certain instances. But frustrated by the failure of the CCW states to address the problem, Norway is spearheading an international process begun last year that has drawn in more than 80 countries that may lead to a total ban on the weapons. The United States should engage in this process too, even if it does not accept all the recommendations that result.
All these steps, especially ratification of CCW protocols, may help improve the United States' ability to provide much needed and viable leadership on conventional arms control efforts. As suggested in October by Christina Rocca, U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, conventional weapons "are perhaps a more immediate threat than weapons of mass destruction."
By Jeff Abramson, research analyst, Arms Control Association, and managing editor of Arms Control Today.
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