



28 May 2008
Original: ENGLISH
DUBLIN 19 . 30 MAY 2008
Presidency Paper

draft Convention on Cluster Munitions

The States Parties to this Convention,

Deeply concerned that civilian populations and individual civilians continue to bear the brunt of armed conflict,

Determined to put an end for all time to the suffering and casualties caused by cluster munitions at the time of their use, when they fail to function as intended or when they are abandoned,

Concerned that cluster munition remnants kill or maim civilians, including women and children, obstruct economic and social development, including through the loss of livelihood, impede post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction, delay or prevent the return of refugees and internally displaced persons, can negatively impact on national and international peace-building and humanitarian assistance efforts, and have other severe consequences that can persist for many years after use,

Deeply concerned also at the dangers presented by the large national stockpiles of cluster munitions retained for operational use and determined to ensure their rapid destruction,

Believing it necessary to contribute effectively in an efficient, coordinated manner to resolving the challenge of removing cluster munition remnants located throughout the world, and to ensure their destruction,

Determined also to ensure the full realisation of the rights of all cluster munition victims and recognising their inherent dignity,

Resolved to do their utmost in providing assistance to cluster munition victims, including medical care, rehabilitation, and psychological support, as well as for their social and economic inclusion,

Recognising the need to provide age and gender sensitive assistance to cluster munition victims, and to address the special needs of vulnerable groups,

Bearing in mind the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which, inter alia, requires that States Parties to that Convention undertake to ensure and promote the full realisation of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons with disabilities without discrimination of any kind on the basis of disability,

Mindful of the need to coordinate adequately efforts undertaken in various fora to address the rights and needs of victims of various types of weapons, and resolved to avoid discrimination among victims of various types of weapons,

Determined further that in cases not covered by this Convention or by other international agreements, civilians and combatants remain under the protection and authority of the principles of international law, derived from established custom, from the principles of humanity and from the dictates of public conscience,

Resolved also that armed groups distinct from the armed forces of a State shall not, under any circumstances, be permitted to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party to this Convention,

Welcoming the very broad international support for the international norm prohibiting anti-personnel mines, enshrined in the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction,

Welcoming also the adoption of the Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War, annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects and its entry into force on 12 November 2006, and wishing to enhance the protection of civilians from the effects of cluster munition remnants in post-conflict environments,

Bearing in mind also United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1612 on children in armed conflict,

Welcoming further the steps taken nationally, regionally and globally in recent years, aimed at prohibiting, restricting or suspending the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions,

Stressing the role of public conscience in furthering the principles of humanity as evidenced by the global call for an end to civilian suffering caused by cluster munitions and recognising the efforts to that end undertaken by the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Cluster Munition Coalition and numerous other non-governmental organisations around the world,

Reaffirming the Declaration of the Oslo Conference on Cluster Munitions, by which States inter alia recognised the grave consequences caused by the use of cluster munitions and committed themselves to conclude by 2008 a legally binding instrument that would prohibit the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and would establish a framework for cooperation and assistance that provides adequate provision of care and rehabilitation for victims, clearance of contaminated areas, risk reduction education and destruction of stockpiles,

Emphasising the desirability of attracting the adherence of all States to this Convention, and determined to work strenuously towards the promotion of its universalisation and its full implementation,

Basing themselves on the principles and rules of international humanitarian law, in particular the principle that the right of parties to an armed conflict to choose methods or means of warfare is not unlimited, and the rules that the parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly direct their operations against military objectives only, that in the conduct of military operations constant care shall be taken to spare the civilian population, civilians and civilian objects and that the civilian population and individual civilians enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1

General obligations and scope of application

1. Each State Party undertakes never under any circumstances to:

(a) Use cluster munitions;
(a) クラスター爆弾の使用;

(b) Develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer to anyone, directly or indirectly, cluster munitions;
(b) クラスター爆弾の直接的、もしくは間接的な開発、製造、取得、備蓄、保有、もしくは他者への移転

(c) Assist, encourage or induce anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention.
(c) この条約が当事国に禁じているあらゆる活動への他国の関与の支援、奨励、誘導

2. Paragraph 1 of this Article applies, mutatis mutandis, to explosive bomblets that are specifically designed to be dispersed or released from dispensers affixed to aircraft.

3. This Convention does not apply to mines.

Article 2


For the purposes of this Convention:

1. “Cluster munition victims” means all persons who have been killed or suffered physical or psychological injury, economic loss, social marginalisation or substantial impairment of the realisation of their rights caused by the use of cluster munitions. They include those persons directly impacted by cluster munitions as well as their affected families and communities;

2. “Cluster munition” means a conventional munition that is designed to disperse or release explosive submunitions each weighing less than 20 kilograms, and includes those explosive submunitions. It does not mean the following:

(a) A munition or submunition designed to dispense flares, smoke, pyrotechnics or chaff; or a munition designed exclusively for an air defence role;
(a) 閃光や煙幕を拡散する爆発物、もしくは小型爆発物、火工術が施された爆発物やチャフ、あるいは、航空防衛用途での爆発性物質

(b) A munition or submunition designed to produce electrical or electronic effects;
(b) 電気、あるいは電子効果の生じる爆発物、もしくは小型爆発物

(c) a munition, that in order to avoid indiscriminate area effects and the risks posed by unexploded submunitions, has all of the following characteristics:
(c) 影響範囲が無差別に及ぶことを避け、小型爆発物の不発弾化による危険を回避した爆発物で以下のような性質のもの

(i) Each munition contains fewer than 10 explosive submunitions;
(i) 内含する小型爆発物が10個以下のすべての爆発物

(ii) Each explosive submunition weighs more than four kilograms;
(ii) 4キログラム以下のすべての小型爆発物

(iii) Each explosive submunition is designed to detect and engage a single target object;
(iii) 探知可能で、単一目的を標的としたすべての小型爆発物

(iv) Each explosive submunition is equipped with an electronic self-destruction mechanism;
(iv) 電子的な自己破壊機器が備え付けられたすべての小型爆発物

(v) Each explosive submunition is equipped with an electronic self-deactivating feature;
(v) 電子的な自己不活性化機能が備え付けられたすべての小型爆発物

3. “Explosive submunition” means a conventional munition that in order to perform its task is dispersed or released by a cluster munition and is designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact;

4. “Failed cluster munition” means a cluster munition that has been fired, dropped, launched, projected or otherwise delivered and which should have dispersed or released its explosive submunitions but failed to do so;

5. “Unexploded submunition” means an explosive submunition which has been dispersed or released by, or otherwise separated from, a cluster munition and has failed to explode as intended;
5. 「不発弾となった小型爆弾」とは、投射、散布されるなどして、クラスター爆弾から発射された爆発性小型兵器が、想定通りに爆発しなかったものを指す

6. “Abandoned cluster munitions” means cluster munitions or explosive submunitions that have not been used and that have been left behind or dumped, and that are no longer under the control of the party that left them behind or dumped them. They may or may not have been prepared for use;
6. 「遺棄されたクラスター爆弾」とはクラスター爆弾、もしくは爆発性小型兵器が使用されることなく放置、投棄され、それらを放置、投棄した当事者の管理下にないものを意味する。それらは使用に向けて備蓄されていた、あるいは使用に向けて備蓄されるはずだったものである。

7. “Cluster munition remnants” means failed cluster munitions, abandoned cluster munitions, unexploded submunitions and unexploded bomblets;
7. 「クラスター爆弾の残存性物質」とは、機能不全となったクラスター爆弾、遺棄されているクラスター爆弾、不発弾化した小型兵器、もしくは子爆弾を意味する。

8. “Transfer” involves, in addition to the physical movement of cluster munitions into or from national territory, the transfer of title to and control over cluster munitions, but does not involve the transfer of territory containing cluster munition remnants;
8. 「移転」とは、領域内への、もしくは領域内からの物理的な移動に加えて、クラスター爆弾の所有・管理における移転も意味する。ただし、クラスター爆弾の残存物が遺棄されている領域における移転は含まない。

9. “Self-destruction mechanism” means an incorporated automatically-functioning mechanism, which is in addition to the primary initiating mechanism of the munition, and which secures the destruction of the munition into which it is incorporated;
9. 「自己破壊装置」とは、自動的に機能する内蔵された装置で、兵器の基礎的な起爆装置に加え、兵器の破壊を確実なものにするため内蔵された装置を意味する。

10. “Self-deactivating” means automatically rendering a munition inoperable by means of the irreversible exhaustion of a component, for example, a battery, that is essential to the operation of the munition;
10. 「自己非活性化」とは、バッテリーなど、兵器の機能に不可欠な構成要素を不可逆的に消耗させ、自動的に機能不全にさせるものをいう

11. “Cluster munition contaminated area” means an area known or suspected to contain cluster munition remnants;
11. 「クラスター爆弾汚染地域」とは、クラスター爆弾残存物質があると知られている、もしくは、そう疑われている地域を意味する。

12. “Mine” means a munition designed to be placed under, on or near the ground or other surface area and to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person or a vehicle;
12. 「地雷」とは、地表下や地表上、もしくはその付近、あるいは他の場所の表面に敷設され、人や車両の存在、接近、接触などにより爆発するよう設計された兵器を意味する。

13. “Explosive bomblet” means a conventional munition, weighing less than 20 kilograms, which is not self-propelled and which in order to perform its task is dispersed or released by a dispenser, and is designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact;
13. 「子爆弾」とは、重さは20キログラム以下で、自走式ではなく、投射物により発射、散布され、衝撃の直前、その瞬間、あるいはその直後に爆発し、害敵効果をもたらすよう設計された通常兵器を意味する。

14. “Dispenser” means a container which is designed to disperse or release explosive bomblets and which is affixed to an aircraft at the time of dispersal or release;
14. 「投射物」とは、子爆弾を含有し、発射、散布するよう設計されているものであり投射、散布の際には、航空機に装着されているものを意味する。

15. “Unexploded bomblet” means an explosive bomblet which has been dispersed, released or otherwise separated from a dispenser and has failed to explode as intended.
15. 「不発弾化した子爆弾とは、投射、散布のような方法で、投射物から放たれた子爆弾が想定通り爆発しなかったものを意味する。

Article 3

Storage and stockpile destruction

1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with national regulations, separate all cluster munitions under its jurisdiction and control from munitions retained for operational use and mark them for the purpose of destruction.

2. Each State Party undertakes to destroy or ensure the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article as soon as possible but not later than eight years after the entry into force of this Convention for that State Party. Each State Party undertakes to ensure that destruction methods comply with applicable international standards for protecting public health and the environment.

3. If a State Party believes that it will be unable to destroy or ensure the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article within eight years of entry into force of this Convention for that State Party it may submit a request to a Meeting of States Parties or a Review Conference for an extension of the deadline for completing the destruction of such cluster munitions by a period of up to four years. A State Party may, in exceptional circumstances, request additional extensions of up to four years. The requested extensions shall not exceed the number of years strictly necessary for that State Party to complete its obligations under paragraph 2 of this Article.

4. Each request for an extension shall contain:

(a) The duration of the proposed extension;
(a) 要請された延長期限の継続;

(b) A detailed explanation of the proposed extension, including the financial and technical means available to or required by the State Party for the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and where applicable, the exceptional circumstances justifying it;
(b) 第3条1項を踏まえたすべてのクラスター爆弾の廃棄のために、当事国に求められる利用可能な財政的・技術的手段など、延長要請のための詳細な説明。説明が適切な場合は、例外的状況として延長を正当化;

(c) A plan for how and when stockpile destruction will be completed;
(c) いつ、どのようにして備蓄の廃棄を完了させるのかに関する計画

(d) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions held at the entry into force of this Convention for that State Party and any additional cluster munitions or explosive submunitions discovered after entry into force;
(d) 条約発効時において保有されているクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量、また、条約発効後に追加したすべてのクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量

(e) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions destroyed during the period referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article; and
(e) 第3条2項において言及されている期限内に廃棄されたクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量、そして

(f) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions remaining to be destroyed during the proposed extension and the annual destruction rate expected to be achieved.
(f) 期限が延長された間に廃棄される予定の残存しているクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量、また、年間に廃棄可能な量





Cluster bomb ban treaty approved

Story from BBC NEWS
Published: 2008/05/28 21:44:13GMT

More than 100 nations have reached an agreement on a treaty which would ban current designs of cluster bombs.

Diplomats meeting in Dublin agreed to back an international ban on the use of the controversial weapons following 10 days of talks.

But some of the world's main producers and stockpilers - including the US, Russia and China - oppose the move.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown called it a "big step forward to make the world a safer place".

He announced earlier that Britain would be taking cluster bombs out of service.

The final draft of the treaty went before delegates from a total of 109 countries on Wednesday afternoon.


Cluster bombs have been used in countries including Cambodia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

They are made up of a big container which opens in mid-air, dropping hundreds of smaller individual sub-munitions, or "bomblets", across a wide area.

Countries like the US, India, Pakistan and Israel claim such munitions are highly useful on the battlefield, but opponents say that where the bomblets fail to explode they leave a deadly legacy for civilians.

During the conference, delegates have heard first-hand accounts from survivors of cluster bomb attacks.

Speaking at Downing Street earlier, Mr Brown said: "I am delighted that the negotiations in Dublin have come to a successful conclusion and congratulate the Irish Government and all those involved.

"I am confident that this agreement is in line with British interests and values, and makes the world a safer place."

The BBC's Paul Adams said he understood the agreement would outlaw the two types of cluster munitions currently held by UK forces, but would not prevent countries from developing future generations of weapons based on the concept of sub-munitions.

And he said it appeared the UK hoped other countries not present in Dublin, notably the US, might be persuaded to accept the treaty later.

Using British soil

One stumbling block for the treaty could be the stockpile of cluster munitions the US military keeps at bases on British soil.

The British representative in Dublin, John Duncan, said the UK would work with Washington to find a solution to the issue.

But in a statement, the Pentagon stood firm, saying: "While the United States shares the humanitarian concerns of those in Dublin, cluster munitions have demonstrated military utility, and their elimination from US stockpiles would put the lives of our soldiers and those of our coalition partners at risk."

Some campaigners do believe countries like the US will change, however. They cite the landmine treaty of 1997 that was never signed by the US, Israel, Russia or China, yet those nations have not used landmines since it came into effect.

Simon Conway, from the Cluster Munitions Coalition, said there would now be "massive" pressure on the US.

"We think now that all of America's key allies have just renounced the weapon it will be very difficult for the US to engage in operations with countries who have banned this weapon and continue to use them," he said.

Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Ed Davey said the prime minister must make clear whether he would continue to allow the US to store its own cluster munitions on British territory.

"If he is serious about ending the scourge of these weapons, he must bring this abuse of the 'special relationship' to an end," Mr Davey said.



 5月30日2時31分配信 毎日新聞

 政府筋は29日夜、「オスロ・プロセスに参加していない米国との調整もついた」と語り、ダブリン会議に出席している日本首席代表の中根猛・外務省軍縮不拡散・科学部長(大使)にも受け入れ表明を指示したことを明らかにした。 町村信孝官房長官は同日午後の記者会見で「条約案が合意されたとは理解していないが、政府としても態度を決めなければいけない」と表明。政府は条約案への対応を巡り、大詰めの協議を進めていた。


 しかし、首相は23日、首相官邸を訪れた公明党の浜四津敏子代表代行が全面禁止を求めたのに対し、「もう一歩踏み込んだ対応が必要。お任せいただきたい」と述べ、条約賛成への政治決断の可能性を示唆。関係各省庁に前向きの対応を指示した。 首相が同意を決断したのは、英仏独などの主要国が相次いで首脳の政治決断で条約案受け入れを表明したことが大きい。日本の国際的孤立を回避し、7月の北海道洞爺湖サミット(主要国首脳会議)議長国として、指導力をアピールする狙いもあるとみられる。【白戸圭一】








May 22, 2008

At West Bank Conference, Dreams of Investment


BETHLEHEM, West Bank — Hundreds of potential investors and dignitaries from the Middle East and beyond gathered here on Wednesday for the start of a vaunted conference under the slogan, “Palestine is open for business.”

The Palestine Investment Conference, scheduled to last three days, is perhaps the most upbeat happening in Bethlehem since crowds packed Manger Square to see 2,000 doves of peace released at millennium celebrations at the end of 1999. Months later, the second intifada broke out, sending the Palestinian national enterprise into a tailspin of violence and chaos.

Now, with the renewal of Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts at the American-sponsored conference last fall in Annapolis, Md., and the international community trying to bolster the Western-leaning Palestinian leadership that holds sway in the West Bank, the business convention — a partnership of the Palestinian Authority and private business — is meant to project a climate of opportunity and change.

Yet the gathering had a contrary air about it, as if Alice had stepped through the looking-glass and found herself here.

Projects worth a total of $2 billion are to be presented, almost half for housing and other infrastructure projects, most of the rest for ideas in agriculture, finance, tourism and information technology. But even among the organizers, expectations for significant investment appeared low. Hasan Abu Libdeh, the chief executive of the conference, told reporters that the meeting was more for “networking, and maybe to strike some deals.”

The overall picture was “contradictory,” said Mohammad Shtayyeh, president of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction, a Palestinian Authority agency. “Capital is a coward,” he said. “It needs encouragement. The environment in Palestine is not very encouraging.”

Indeed, the hundreds of Israeli Army checkpoints and roadblocks that dot the West Bank, and that Israel insists are necessary for its security, choke the local economy. (Gaza, which was taken over by the militant Islamic group Hamas last June, remains under a tight blockade, its own economy crushed.)

And Palestinian officials have recently offered bleak assessments of the prospects of imminent success for a political solution to bring the Israeli occupation of the West Bank to an end.

“Without a political solution any chance of improvement will evaporate,” said Mr. Shtayyeh, who was scheduled to speak at the conference on Thursday. “Nobody will invest.”

Even the venue for the opening of the conference, the Jacir Palace Intercontinental hotel, serves as a cautionary tale.

Built around a magnificently renovated mansion, it was designed “for V.I.P.’s coming for conventions and conferences,” said Kareem Abdul Hadi, manager of the Palestine Tourism Investment Company, a subsidiary of Padico, the Palestinian offshore holding company that invested $50 million in the project.

But the hotel opened its doors just before the intifada in 2000, turned into a battle zone and closed down for five years. The investors lost $25 million.

Today there is a broad interest in improving the West Bank’s economy. Israel issued nearly 500 special two-week entry permits and visas for participants from abroad, many of them Palestinian expatriates from Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. Over 100 businessmen from Gaza were issued travel permits for Bethlehem.

Attendance was also arranged for a handful of Israeli industrialists, despite some Palestinian qualms about normalizing relations and an Israeli military order that bars Israeli civilians from entering the Palestinian cities of the West Bank.

Official delegations are being headed by, among others, the American deputy Treasury secretary, Robert M. Kimmitt; the British secretary of state for international development, Douglas Alexander; and a member of the ruling family of the emirate of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed Hamdan bin Zayid al-Nahyan.

At a news conference in Ramallah on Tuesday, Mr. Abu Libdeh noted that the “very special” arrangements made for the conference were far from the norm and urged Israel to guarantee future access.

Sam Bahour, an American-born Palestinian who has invested heavily in the local economy, has been campaigning for better access for two years. For the past 14 years, Mr. Bahour, who built Ramallah’s Plaza shopping mall, has been living in the city on a tourist visa that has to be renewed every three months. Mr. Bahour, who is married to a Palestinian, applied for permanent residency in 1994. The Israelis, who control the population registry in the Palestinian territory, have not yet responded, he said.

He estimates that 50,000 Palestinian expatriates and non-Palestinians from all walks of life have been denied access to the Palestinian territories since early 2006.

Still, many, including Mr. Bahour, insist that even under the current circumstances there is money to be made.

The Palestinian Securities Exchange, the small 11-year-old, 36-company stock exchange based in Nablus, is having a banner year. It has grown by 35.9 percent since Jan. 1, more than any other exchange in the Arab world.

Matthew Eyre, who works at Blakeney Management in London, said his investment firm had put money in Padico since the end of 2007 and had seen very strong profits. “When we started, we weren’t making a political call,” he said. “We were simply convinced that the valuations here had become absurdly low. If these companies can grow by 30 percent in such difficult times, what sort of growth will we get in normal times?”

Ethan Bronner contributed reporting from Nablus, West Bank.
Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company




Defense Newsの掲載記事が

Japan Looks to Space for Military Use

agence france-presse
Published: 9 May 09:28 EDT (05:28 GMT)

TOKYO - Japanese lawmakers voted May 9 to allow the military use of space, breaking a decades-old taboo in the officially pacifist country, which has an increasingly ambitious space program.

The move came during a rare fence-mending visit to Japan by President Hu Jintao of China, which alarmed Japan last year by conducting a test to shoot down a satellite.

A lower house committee voted to reverse a 1969 parliamentary resolution that limited Japan's use of space to non-military applications.

The bill is certain to pass in parliament, as both Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's Liberal Democratic Party and the main opposition Democratic Party, which controls the upper house, support it.

Lawmakers said Japan still opposes putting weapons into space but that the 1969 restrictions had stifled innovation, hurting Japanese companies.

Advocates also said Japan wanted to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites.

"The bottom line of this bill is to stand on the principle of the peaceful use of space but for the government to use space technology to improve people's livelihoods," said a secretary to a ruling-party lawmaker who requested anonymity.

The opposition Japanese Communist Party was against the bill, fearing it would lead to a stronger military.

Japan's constitution says the country will never again wage war. Japanese troops have not fired a shot in anger since 1945, although the country has one of the world's largest defense budgets.

Japan has stepped up military research after North Korea stunned the world in 1998 by firing a missile over the Japanese mainland into the Pacific.

A think tank linked to the Japanese defense ministry has also warned that China's space program could pose a military threat.

China last year became the third country to shoot down an object in space after the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, when it downed an old weather satellite with an anti-satellite missile, raising Japanese fears.

Japan has been stepping up its space program and is now conducting the most extensive probe of the moon since the U.S. Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s.

…以下は、法律成立後の記事。同じくDefense Newsに掲載されていたもの。

Japan Passes Law to Allow Military Use of Space

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Published: 21 May 09:45 EDT (05:45 GMT)

TOKYO - Japan passed a new law May 21 allowing the use of space for defense, an official said, reversing a decades-old policy amid increasing concern about military threats in the region.

While Japan has no current plans for a new defense project in space, experts say the law could clear the way for the launch of early-warning satellites.

The move comes amid growing concerns here about North Korea's ballistic missile development and China's military and space programs.

The opposition-controlled upper house voted 221 to 14 to revise a 1969 parliamentary resolution limiting Japan's use of space to non-military applications, an upper house official said.

The bill was already approved by the lower house last week.

The new law aims to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites and to help innovation in the country's space industry.






Cluster munitions: ICRC calls for a strong treaty

Statement by Jakob Kellenberger, President International Committee of the Red Cross, at the opening ceremony of the Dublin Diplomatic Confence on cluster munitions, 19 May 2008

© 2008 International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is honoured by the opportunity to contribute to the work of this urgent diplomatic conference.赤十字国際委員会は、この緊急の国際会議に参加できることを光栄に思います。

The need for this conference and for a specific treaty on cluster munitions has been demonstrated far too often. For decades, these weapons have killed and injured many thousands of civilians in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Cluster munitions used in more recent conflicts have claimed hundreds of civilian casualties in Kosovo, Serbia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq and Lebanon. Civilians have paid dearly for the unreliability and inaccuracy of cluster munitions delivered in massive numbers over vast areas. Their lives are the story of the "unacceptable suffering" these weapons inflict. Their loss and our humanity must motivate us to collectively put an end to the ghastly pattern of cluster munition use followed by years or decades of suffering for civilian populations. Unfortunately, for many, our efforts come too late.

The ICRC is very optimistic that your work will culminate in the adoption of a Cluster Munitions Convention in two weeks time. This would ensure that these weapons were no longer considered, legally or morally, to be "just another weapon," the use of which is subject to the discretion of the user under the general rules of international humanitarian law. Indeed, the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of all cluster munitions, as defined in the future Convention, would be prohibited. In adopting such prohibitions, States will have collectively created a new international norm that will have a major impact on the producers and stockpilers of cluster munitions that are part of this process. I am confident that in time the Convention will also have a positive impact on the policies and practices of non-party States and will begin to reverse the steady increase in new users of these horrendous weapons.

As you finalize the text of the new Cluster Munitions Convention, the ICRC would urge you to keep in mind the humanitarian imperatives that underlie your efforts and those of the Oslo process. For us this has a number of implications:

・ Negotiations should be conducted with a real sense of urgency and an awareness of the unique opportunity that the Dublin Diplomatic Conference represents.
・ 交渉は、ダブリン国際会議が表明している緊急性への真の意識と、独自の機会を生かそうとする自覚を踏まえて進められるべきである。

・ The Conference must find solutions to the key remaining issues that will provide the strongest possible protection for civilians against cluster munitions and will be effectively implemented by armed forces, including those in this process that have been producing, stockpiling or using these weapons.
・ 会議は主要な懸案事項に対する解決策を見出し、クラスター爆弾に対する文民の保護について、考えられる最も厳格な規定を盛り込み、かつ、クラスター爆弾を製造、備蓄、使用する過程で、軍隊が履行できる実効性のある規定でなければならない。

・ What can be achieved here in the coming two weeks should not be sacrificed in the name of what can not be achieved.
・ これから2週間で我々が達成するであろう合意は、合意不可能という考えのもと、犠牲にされてよい類のものであってはならない。

For decades, there was no international movement on the humanitarian problems caused by cluster munitions. The last two years have brought vastly increased awareness of the problem, along with proposals for ambitious and realistic solutions. The participation here today of more than a hundred States, United Nations agencies and civil society, represented through the Cluster Munition Coalition, is a testimony to the commitment and tireless efforts of many of you in this room. This includes clearance operators, military officers, diplomats, technical specialists and humanitarian workers. If this conference is to adopt a Convention in two weeks time, it will be the result of continued cooperation and communication among all of you in the name of protecting those who should never pay the price for armed conflict, but who so often do.

As you well know, the ICRC's objectives in promoting this new treaty are to achieve a complete ban on the production, stockpiling, transfer and use of inaccurate and unreliable cluster munitions, together with a firm commitment to clearance and victim assistance. Following the successful conferences in Oslo, Lima, Vienna and Wellington, and regional meetings in many parts of the world, we believe this objective is now within reach.

For some, the focus on prohibiting inaccurate and unreliable cluster munitions may appear too modest. For others, such prohibitions will mean the painful decision to eliminate a type of weapon in their current stockpiles. But for the ICRC, unreliability and inaccuracy, combined with massive numbers, are the features of those cluster munitions causing the most widespread civilian casualties. It is these casualties who make the prohibition of such weapons a humanitarian imperative. We also believe that this proposal is by no means modest. To prohibit inaccurate, unreliable cluster submunitions delivered in large numbers would forever stigmatize the vast majority of existing cluster munitions. It would eliminate those that have caused the recurrent humanitarian problem. For civilian populations, this would be a tremendous achievement, one that merits all our efforts. It would demonstrate that the suffering of cluster munition victims has moved the world.

In closing, I would like to commend all those States that have come to the threshold of adopting a historic agreement here in Dublin. Ten days is a short period for negotiating a new treaty of this type. It will require an intense focus on the humanitarian task at hand, together with persistence, flexibility and difficult choices. I appeal to you to make the judgements that will provide the strongest possible protection to civilian populations. Ten days may not seem like much time to us. But for those awaiting medical treatment following a cluster munition accident, it can seem like an eternity. And victims often wait far longer than ten days for treatment. Indeed, they and the world have waited more than forty years for this Convention.

In negotiating and adopting this new Convention, you will be keeping alive the spirit of the St Petersburg Declaration adopted 140 years ago. In renouncing the use of bullets that explode in the human body, the Declaration constituted the first prohibition of a weapon in modern international humanitarian law. The International Military Commission that adopted that Declaration, in its own words, "fixed the technical limits at which the necessities of war ought to yield to the requirements of humanity". Your challenge and responsibility is to set those limits for cluster munitions in 2008. The International Committee of the Red Cross is convinced that you can, must and will rise to this challenge. We are honoured to join with you in this task.




Forum seeks to ban cluster bombs

Story from BBC NEWS
Published: 2008/05/19 01:29:41 GMT

Diplomats from around the world are gathering in Dublin for a conference that aims to secure a treaty banning the use of cluster bombs.

The proposed ban has the support of more than 100 countries.

Humanitarian organisations say a binding treaty is now urgent because these weapons cause unacceptable harm to civilians.

But some of the biggest producers of cluster weapons, including the US, China and Russia, are against the move.

On the eve of the conference, Pope Benedict XVI expressed hopes that "it will be possible to reach a strong and credible international agreement".

"It is necessary to heal the errors of the past and avoid them happening again in the future. I pray for the victims of the cluster munitions, for their families and for those who will join the conference too, wishing that it will be successful," the pontiff said.

'Essential' treaty

Cluster bombs have been used in countries including Cambodia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

The initial weapon scatters thousands of smaller bombs across a wide area, but these bomblets can fail to explode, leaving a deadly legacy as civilians return to their homes.

Humanitarian groups, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, see the daily consequences of cluster munitions among the wounded civilians they treat.

They argue that a comprehensive and binding treaty - one that includes provision for compensation for victims - is essential.

"Cluster munitions are weapons that never stop killing," said ICRC president Jakob Kellenberger.

But some of the biggest producers and stockpilers of cluster weapons - the US, China, Russia, India and Israel - are against the ban, claiming such munitions can be useful on the battlefield.

Although they will not be present in Dublin, they have been lobbying to have the treaty watered down.

If, as expected, the conference does come to agreement, it will be the most important disarmament treaty since the Ottawa convention to prohibit landmines over 10 years ago, the BBC's Imogen Foulkes says.













AMC posturing to support China, Burma humanitarian relief

by Maj. Dave Huxsoll
Air Mobility Command Public Affairs

5/16/2008 - SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Mobility Airmen are posturing for possible relief efforts for victims of China's earthquake, planners from the 618th Tanker Airlift Control Center said Friday.
2008年5月16日 イリノイ州・スコット空軍基地:航空機動隊員は、中国でき起きた地震の被害者の救助活動を可能な限りで行う用意がある。第618航空管制室は金曜日、そのように発表した。

While the 618th TACC has no defined requirements to provide military airlift assistance, at least one AMC aircrew is on alert to fly an Air National Guard C-17 already in the region, and other aircrews may be placed on alert, said Thomas Janisse, 618th TACC contingency planner.

"AMC crews participating in the annual Cobra Gold exercise have been standing by in Thailand," Mr. Janisse said. "They are ready to support relief efforts in China or Burma if called upon to do so." The 618th TACC at Scott AFB is the 18th Air Force hub for planning and directing tanker and transport aircraft operations around the world.

Chinese officials say more than 22,000 deaths have been confirmed and almost five million have been left homeless by the earthquake which hit China's southwestern Sichuan Province earlier this week.

Cyclone Nargis ravaged Burma earlier this month, and left as many as 100,000 dead and millions homeless. Two C-17 crews from McChord AFB, Wash., are currently on alert to support relief operations in that country. The 621st Contingency Response Wing from McGuire AFB, N.J., is also on alert. Their mission is to provide tailored units that can quickly open airfields in remote locations and extend AMC's ability to deploy people and equipment around the globe.

Gen. Arthur Lichte, AMC commander, visiting McChord AFB Thursday, said AMC is experienced in responding to natural disasters, noting AMC's role in relief efforts following Hurricane Katrina and the Pakistan earthquake in 2005.

General Lichte said every time an AMC aircraft lands anywhere in the world, it is a symbol of hope.

"We've been called on to do this before. It may be in the middle of an earthquake, it may be in the middle of a tsunami, it may be in the middle of a cyclone. It's there to provide hope for the people who see it," he said. "It brings food, it brings equipment, it brings medical supplies, and it may be taking people out of harm's way and transporting them to another place."

During Hurricanes Katrina and Rita the 618th TACC tasked nearly 900 sorties to support relief efforts, and mobility forces moved more than 14,600 passengers, nearly 3,000 patients, and hauled the equivalent of 686 semi-truckloads of supplies to and from the Gulf Coast region.

Within the first 24 hours of Katrina's landfall, the 618th TACC aggressively moved search-and-rescue teams and their equipment to Louisiana, and then quickly shifted focus to a hub-and-spoke operation to rescue patients and bring in supplies.

During Pakistan earthquake relief operations in 2005, the 621st Contingency Response Wing supported 273 U.S. missions, and provided 15,294,000 pounds of relief supplies, including more than 93,000 sleeping bags and 292,000 blankets. The wing also loaded 587 trucks and processed 4,481 pallets.





The Myth of Grass-Roots Terrorism
Why Osama bin Laden Still Matters


By Bruce Hoffman
From Foreign Affairs , May/June 2008

Summary: Marc Sageman claims that al Qaeda's leadership is finished and today's terrorist threat comes primarily from below. But the terrorist elites are alive and well, and ignoring the threat they pose will have disastrous consequences.

BRUCE HOFFMAN is a Professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and a Senior Fellow at the U.S. Military Academy's Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. He is the author of Inside Terrorism.

Since Rudy Giuliani's early exit from the Republican presidential primary, the issue of terrorism has barely been mentioned by any of the candidates in either party. Given its absence from this year's U.S. presidential campaign, it is easy to forget how prominent a role terrorism played in 2004. Many observers believe that Osama bin Laden's dramatically choreographed videotaped appearance on October 29, 2004, may have tipped the vote in President George W. Bush's favor by reminding Americans of the horrors of 9/11 and instilling a fear of future attacks. And although terrorism has largely been ignored as a campaign issue thus far, bin Laden and al Qaeda may deliberately raise its visibility once again.

The publication of Leaderless Jihad is therefore timely. Its author, Marc Sageman, brings unique credentials to the study of terrorism. European-born but American-educated, Sageman holds a doctorate in political sociology and is a practicing psychiatrist. He served in the U.S. Navy as a flight surgeon before joining the CIA in 1984. During the late 1980s, Sageman was based in Islamabad and worked closely with the Afghan mujahideen forces that were fighting the Soviets.

Sageman's first book, Understanding Terror Networks, was an important work that received little public attention when it was published four years ago. It provocatively challenged the conventional wisdom that victory in the war on terrorism would be achieved by killing and capturing bin Laden, his main ideologue, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and the rest of al Qaeda's leadership. According to Sageman, al Qaeda was not an organization to be systematically destroyed but a social network that had to be disrupted. The only effective defense against Salafi terrorists, he claimed, was a thorough understanding of the web of relationships that sustained them -- something that was sorely lacking in both the government and academe at the time.

Sageman continues this line of argument in Leaderless Jihad. The gravest threat facing the United States and the West today, he maintains, is not a revived al Qaeda straddling the lawless border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Rather, he contends, the true menace comes from loose-knit cells of Western-born Muslims or Muslim immigrants studying and working in the West. These disaffected "bunches of guys" are often friends, roommates, or classmates who undergo the process of radicalization together.

Although these informal local terrorist groups are certainly a critical part of the global terrorist network, Leaderless Jihad's salient weakness is its insistence that this dimension represents the entire threat facing the United States today. This shortcoming can largely be explained by Sageman's brusque dismissal of much of the existing academic literature on terrorism in general and terrorist networks in particular.

The Center Holds

Sageman's impressive resume cannot overcome his fundamental misreading of the al Qaeda threat, which is at the heart of his book. He contends: "The present threat has evolved from a structured group of al Qaeda masterminds, controlling vast resources and issuing commands, to a multitude of informal local groups trying to emulate their predecessors by conceiving and executing operations from the bottom up. These 'homegrown' wannabes form a scattered global network, a leaderless jihad." According to Sageman, al Qaeda has ceased to exist as either an organizational or an operational entity and is therefore irrelevant to U.S. security concerns. Sageman believes that "al Qaeda Central has receded in importance" and goes so far as to assert that it has been "neutralized operationally." Instead, the principal terrorist threat today, Sageman claims, comes from diffuse low-level groups.

But this view flies in the face of the two most recent authoritative analyses of terrorist threats to the United States: the July 2007 National Intelligence Estimate and the annual threat assessment presented by the director of national intelligence, Mike McConnell, to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence this past February. The publicly released portion of the 2007 NIE, for example, stated unambiguously that al Qaeda "is and will remain the most serious threat to the Homeland, as its central leadership continues to plan high-impact plots, while pushing others in extremist Sunni communities to mimic its efforts and to supplement its capabilities." This was also the unambiguous conclusion offered by the former CIA and National Security Council official Bruce Riedel in these pages a year ago ("Al Qaeda Strikes Back," May/June 2007). The unmistakable message is that al Qaeda is a remarkably agile and flexible organization that exercises both top-down and bottom-up planning and operational capabilities. It is not exclusively focused on the grass-roots dimension that is Leaderless Jihad's sole preoccupation. The NIE further stated, "We assess the group has protected or regenerated key elements of its Homeland attack capability, including: a safehaven in the Pakistan Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), operational lieutenants, and its top leadership." These findings are dismissed by Sageman as "alarmist" without any further analytic explanation or empirical justification whatsoever.

McConnell's recent testimony both expanded on and amplified the NIE's basic conclusion that al Qaeda is alive and well and plotting high-profile terrorist attacks much as it did before 9/11. "Al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates continue to pose significant threats to the United States at home and abroad, and al Qaeda's central leadership based in the border area of Pakistan is its most dangerous component," McConnell warned. He went on to explain how al Qaeda continues to exercise top-down direction and guidance even though it "has lost many of its senior operational planners over the years. . . . The group's adaptable decisionmaking process and bench of skilled operatives have enabled it to identify effective replacements." Finally, McConnell's observation that members of al Qaeda in Iraq have been dispatched "to establish cells in other countries" casts further doubt on Sageman's claims regarding al Qaeda's bottom-up organizational structure.

These "alarmist" assessments are not confined to the U.S. intelligence community. In a landmark public speech in November 2006, Eliza Manningham-Buller, then the director general of the British Security Service, or MI5, was unequivocal in her evaluation of the threat posed by a resurgent al Qaeda with still functioning command-and-control capabilities. "We are aware of numerous plots to kill people and to damage our economy," Manningham-Buller stated. "What do I mean by numerous? Five? Ten? No, nearer 30 that we currently know of," she continued. "These plots often have links back to al Qaeda in Pakistan, and through those links al Qaeda gives guidance and training to its largely British foot soldiers here on an extensive and growing scale."

Sageman also employs historically groundless parallels in order to bolster his case that today's terrorist threat is an exclusively bottom-up phenomenon. The Irish Republican Army did not, as Leaderless Jihad maintains, begin "in a pub in Boston" and cross "the ocean to Ireland during World War I." The IRA was the product of a series of underground associations that were formed in Ireland in the eighteenth century, migrated to the United States in the middle of the following century, and then gave rise to the terrorist campaigns of various successive organizations, such as the Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, the Fenian Brotherhood, and Clan na Gael. Even more egregiously inaccurate is Sageman's claim that the anarchist movement was responsible for starting World War I. While Sageman is correct that "the murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand triggered World War I," his assertion that the "anarchists carried out these killings even though there was no central organization to coordinate their actions" is ludicrous. Those more familiar with either the history of terrorism or the origins of World War I will know that the assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was neither an anarchist nor one of a "bunch of guys" who had serendipitously gravitated toward one another and decided to commit a terrorist act. Rather, he was a dedicated member of the militantly anti-Hapsburg organization Young Bosnia, which was in turn connected to the infamous clandestine Serbian organization the Black Hand, which itself received aid and training from the intelligence department of the Serbian army's general staff.
セージマン氏はまた、テロリストがもたらす脅威は今日、もっぱらボトム・アップであるとする彼の持論を補強するため、歴史的に根拠のない例を持ち出している。アイルランド共和軍(IRA)は、「リーダーなき聖戦」で主張されているように、「ボストンのパブ」で生まれ、「第一次世界大戦中に海を渡ってアイルランドに行った」わけではなかろう。IRAは18世紀にアイルランドで発足した反体制組織が結束してできたものであって、その後、米国に移り、アイルランド革命兄弟団、アイルランド共和兄弟団、フェニアン団(後にClan na Gael)のような一連のテロ組織を生んでいった。セージマン氏の「第一次世界大戦は無政府主義運動に責任がある」とする主張は、もはや甚だ不正確である。セージマン氏の「オーストリアの皇太子フランツ・フェルディナンドの殺害が、第一次世界大戦の引き金となった」との主張は正しいが、彼の「無政府主義者たちは、こうした殺害を、彼らの行動を統制する中央組織がないにもかかわらず、実行していった」という主張になるともはや滑稽である。テロリズムの歴史上、第一次世界大戦の引き金となったことでよく知られているのは、暗殺者ガブリロ・プリンチプであるが、彼は無政府主義者でも、また、思いがけず互いに引き寄せられ、テロ行為に及ぶ決意をした「野郎どもの一団」の一人でもない。むしろ、ガブリロ・プリンチプは、セルビアの軍事諜報機関から援助と訓練を受けている悪名高い秘密組織「黒い手」とつながりのある、反ハプスブルク家を掲げる武装組織「ヤング・ボスニア」の一員だった。


Sageman's historical ignorance is surpassed only by his cursory treatment of social networking theory, which forms the foundation of the scientific methodology he claims to employ. Leaderless Jihad's first chapter, titled "How to Study Terrorism in the Twenty-first Century," takes exception to much of the literature on terrorism, which, in Sageman's opinion, is unscientific, relies too much on narrowly explanatory case studies and profiles of leading terrorist figures, is too heavily dependent on information gleaned from government sources, and amounts to "nothing more than arguments made for the sake of scoring political points."








China's Everest Olympic torch run is grand ― but secret

Copyright © 2008 The International Herald Tribune www.iht.com

The Associated Press
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

BEIJING: Chinese mountaineers made final preparations Wednesday to take the Olympic torch up Mount Everest in a grand but contentious feat for the Beijing Olympics that is being accorded an unusual mixture of fanfare and secrecy.

State-run China Central Television began the first of what are billed as elaborate and technically difficult live broadcasts from Everest's base camp for the torch's journey up the world's tallest peak. Mountaineers were completing the setup of a staging point at 8,300 meters (27,390 feet) for the final assault on the 8,850-meter (29,035-foot) summit, CCTV reported.

Yet there was no word on the location of the torch, which mountaineers on the 31-member climbing team would go to the summit, their whereabouts and when they would scale the peak. The Web site of Beijing Daily likened the lack of information to a "mysterious veil that has surrounded base camp."

Some media reports had speculated that the climb could come as early as Wednesday ― the 100-day countdown to the August 8-24 games ― or Thursday ― the May Day holiday. A brewing storm made a climb in the next three days unlikely, the Xinhua News Agency cited Yang Xingguo, the expedition's weather expert at base camp, as saying late Wednesday.
登山隊出発の日については、早くても水曜日(北京オリンピックまで後100日のカウントダウンが始まる日)か木曜日(5月の連休初日)ではないかとの報道もある。新華通信はベース・キャンプにいる天気予報士のYang Xingguo氏が水曜日の遅くに、強い吹雪のため3日は登山できそうにないと語っていたことを紹介している。

Instead to commemorate the 100-day mark, Beijing held a mini-marathon and song gala. Senior Communist Party leader Jia Qinglin urged all Chinese "to pool our patriotic passion to accumulate a mighty force that could overcome all difficulties in a bid to hold a successful Olympics." Meanwhile, the Chinese and foreign reporters at Everest base camp waited.

Still billed as a spectacular event in the buildup to the August games, the Everest climb is being given mixed treatment. With the torch relay dogged by protests worldwide and Beijing's oft-criticized rule in Tibet drawing heated scrutiny after widespread anti-Chinese protests this spring, organizers have placed a premium on security.

The Everest torch, specially designed to burn in frigid, windy, oxygen-thin Himalayan air, is a sister flame to the one that made its way around the world and Wednesday reached Hong Kong, returning to Chinese territory after a month abroad. Organizers did not publicize the Everest flame's travel to base camp over the past month, apparently to avoid protests.

Beijing has also exercised its diplomatic clout, persuading neighboring Nepal to bar climbers from border-straddling Everest's southern face to keep potential protesters from reaching the peak and spoiling the torch's moment.

But the secrecy has also dented plans by organizers and CCTV, which spent heavily on special broadcast facilities, to promote a torch run that is physically challenging but that has been criticized by Tibetan activists as a symbol of Chinese domination of Tibet.

"It's a challenging mountain, not because of technical problems. It's easy technically. But because of the height, it's difficult and dangerous," said Pierre Maina, a Danish surgeon and mountaineer who is preparing to scale Everest from the northern side in Tibet next year.

Oxygen bottles are a must above 7,800 meters (25,750 feet), the Tibet Mountaineering Training School said. Everest's northern face is said to be subject to harsher, windier weather than the Nepal side, with usually just two chances to make the summit in May, the choice season for climbing.

The head of the China Mountaineering Association, Wang Yongfeng, has said he nearly died in a 1993 Everest expedition in part because he used up his oxygen bottle near the summit and emergency supplies were at staging camps below. "Regardless of the weather, we must get the sacred flame of the Olympics to shine over Mount Qomolangma," state media has quoted Wang as saying, using the Chinese name for Everest.
中国登山連盟のWang Yongfeng会長は、1993年のエベレスト登山で死にかけた経験があると語る。頂上付近で酸素ボンベの酸素を使い果たした上に、酸素の緊急補給は山を下ったキャンプでしか行えなかったためである。中国の国営メディアは「天候がどうあれ、何としてもチョモランマ(エベレストの中国名)の頂上で聖火を灯す」とのWang 会長の言葉を紹介していた。

Maina, the Danish climber, was at the base camp of nearby Cho Oyu in September 2006 and saw Chinese security shoot at Tibetans fleeing over the Nangpa pass to try to reach Nepal. A Buddhist nun was killed, and the experience colored Maina's views about the Olympic torch's Everest trek.

"What I experienced in Tibet makes feel bad about what they are doing with the Olympic Games," he said by phone from the Danish town of Slagelse.

State media and Olympic officials have gushed that the Everest climb would symbolize universal Olympic ideals and have largely omitted talk about Chinese dominance. A local newspaper in Hubei province last week said the ascent would "create a peak for Olympic history and give expression to the acme of the Olympic spirit."

CCTV's coverage of the ascent is believed to be the fourth broadcast of an Everest climb and the most extensive. Broadcast equipment has been placed at four climbing camps, from 6,500 meters (21,450 feet) to the highest staging base at 8,300 meters (27,390 feet) and a camera will accompany the final assault, the broadcaster has said. A full-scale dress rehearsal with 86 in crew was staged in May last year.

Yet despite the grand plans, the 10 foreign reporters at base camp said the carefully controlled doses of information they were given seemed designed to make sure that any mishaps went unreported.

"Having invited us here to cover the ascent of the flame, the Chinese appear to have taken fright. It now seems that they only want us to report the victorious summit moment," the BBC's Jonah Fisher said in an online diary. "We may never know if there were failed attempts, or indeed if someone hurt themselves trying for the top. The only fact we possess is that the flame is somewhere in the area."







Al-Qaeda Iraq leader 'arrested'

Story from BBC NEWS
2008/05/09 01:20:45 GMT

The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, has been arrested, according to media reports quoting the country's defence ministry.

Masri, also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, was detained in the northern city of Mosul, reports said.

The US military in Iraq said it was so far unable to confirm the reports.

The Egyptian-born militant took over the leadership of the group from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shortly after he was killed in a US air strike in June 2006.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq has been blamed for or has claimed responsibility for some of the bloodiest insurgent attacks in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003.

Joint operation

A spokesman for the Iraqi defence ministry, Mohammad al-Askari, told the Associated Press that he had been informed of Masri's capture by the Iraqi military in Nineveh province, of which Mosul is the capital.

"The commander of Nineveh military operations informed me that Iraqi troops captured Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq," he said.

Interior ministry spokesman Maj-Gen Abdul-Karim Khalaf told al-Iraqiya TV that security forces had "arrested one of al-Qaeda's leaders at midnight and during the primary investigations he admitted that he was Abu Hamza al-Muhajir".

Gen Khalaf said a source close the al-Qaeda leader had informed police that he would be at a house in Mosul's Wadi Hajjar district at midnight on Wednesday.

Members of al-Qaeda are believed to have regrouped in the northern city since the beginning of the US troops "surge" last year.

A US military spokesman in Baghdad said he could not confirm that Masri had been arrested, but did not believe the reports to be true.

'Minister of war'

Masri is believed to have helped Zarqawi form the first al-Qaeda cell in Baghdad.
After becoming leader, he vowed to "continue what Sheikh Abu Musab began" and avenge his death with attacks that would "turn your children's hair white".

In April 2007, he was named "minister of war" in the 10-man cabinet of the Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella organisation of Sunni militant groups.

Shortly afterwards, the Iraqi government claimed Masri had been killed in an "internal battle" between militants, but this was quickly denied by the group.

In an hour-long audio tape broadcast last month, he purportedly called for renewed attacks on US troops and noted the recent announcement that 4,000 had died in Iraq.

"We must celebrate this event in our special way, and make the defeated Bush join us in this celebration," he said.


Iraq al-Qaeda chief not captured

Story from BBC NEWS
Published: 2008/05/09 10:44:46

The United States military in Iraq says a man detained in the northern city of Mosul is not in fact the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

An earlier statement from the Iraqi defence ministry said that al-Masri had been captured.

But an American military spokeswoman, Peggy Kageleiry, said Abu Ayyub al-Masri had not been arrested.

She said confusion had arisen because a man with a similar name to the al-Qaeda in Iraq leader had been detained.











China 'ready to engage on Tibet'

Story from BBC NEWS
Published: 2008/05/08 05:33:56 GMT

Beijing has shown willingness to seek common ground with exiled Tibetans but major differences remain on key issues, an envoy of the Dalai Lama says.

Two aides of the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader travelled to Beijing last week to discuss recent violence.

Lodi Gyari, a spokesman for the Dalai Lama, said China was asked to release Tibetan prisoners and end its "patriotic re-education" drive there.

A date for further talks would be formalised soon, he said.

'Concrete proposals'

"We have called for the release of prisoners, to allow those injured to be given proper medical treatment and give unfettered access to visitors, including the media," Mr Gyari said in a statement issued in the northern Indian hill town of Dharamsala, home of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

"We have also called for an end to the "patriotic re-education" campaign which is deeply resented by the Tibetan people," he said.

Each side exchanged "concrete proposals which can be part of a future agenda", the statement said.

"Despite major differences on important issues, both sides demonstrated a willingness to seek common approaches in addressing the issues at hand," Mr Gyari said.

The two envoys travelled to China for talks last weekend in what was the first contact between the two sides since anti-China protests in Tibet in March turned violent.

Beijing has blamed the Dalai Lama for masterminding the protests, a charge the spiritual leader has always denied.





Rising food prices:
Policy options and World Bank response

This note is being distributed for information as background to the discussion of recent market developments at the Development Committee meeting. It was prepared by PREM, ARD and DEC, drawing from work across the Bank.

1. Context
1. 背景

1.1 Rising food prices: trends and determinants
The rising trend in international food prices continued, and even accelerated, in 2008.
1.1 食糧価格の高騰:傾向と決定因子

U.S. wheat export prices rose from $375/ton in January to $440/ton in March, and Thai rice export prices increased from $365/ton to $562/ton. This came on top of a 181 percent increase in global wheat prices over the 36 months leading up to February 2008, and a 83 percent increase in overall global food prices over the same period.

Increased bio-fuel production has contributed to the rise in food prices.

Concerns over oil prices, energy security and climate change have prompted governments to take a more proactive stance towards encouraging production and use of bio-fuels.1

This has led to increased demand for bio-fuel raw materials, such as wheat, soy, maize and palm oil, and increased competition for cropland.

Almost all of the increase in global maize production from 2004 to 2007 (the period when grain prices rose sharply) went for bio-fuels production in the U.S., while existing stocks were depleted by an increase in global consumption for other uses.2 Other developments, such as droughts in Australia and poor crops in the E.U. and Ukraine in 2006 and 2007, were largely offset by good crops and increased exports in other countries and would not, on their own, have had a significant impact on prices.
(穀物価格が上昇した)2004年から2007年にはトウモロコシの世界的な生産量が増加し、そのほとんどすべてが米国のバイオ燃料生産に使われた一方で、他の用途で必要なトウモロコシの世界的な消費量も増大し、トウモロコシの備蓄は尽きてしまった。2 2006年と2007年のオーストラリアでの干ばつやEU諸国とウクライナで見られた農作物の不作は、豊作だった他国からの農作物の輸入量を増やすことで埋め合わせることができ、食糧価格に対して深刻な影響を及ぼすには至らなかった。

Only a relatively small share of the increase in food production prices (around 15%) is due directly to higher energy and fertilizer costs.3

The observed increase in food prices is not a temporary phenomenon, but likely to persist in the medium term.

Food crop prices are expected to remain high in 2008 and 2009 and then begin to decline as
supply and demand respond to high prices; however, they are likely to remain well above the 2004 levels through 2015 for most food crops. Forecasts of other major organizations (FAO, OECD, and USDA) that regularly monitor and project commodity prices are broadly consistent with these projections.

Predictions of high food price in the medium run are further strengthened when we factor in the impact of policies aimed at achieving energy security and reduced carbon dioxide emissions, which may present strong trade-offs with food security objectives.

1 Numerous countries have set standards or targets for use of bio-fuels. The E.U. has set a goal of 5.75 percent of motor fuel use from bio-fuels by 2010. The U.S. has mandated the use of 28.4 billion liters of bio-fuels for transportation by 2012. Brazil will require that all diesel oil contain 2 percent bio-diesel by 2008 and 5 percent by 2013, and Thailand will require 10 percent ethanol in all gasoline starting in 2007. India mandates a 5 percent ethanol blend in nine states, and China is requiring a 10 percent ethanol blend in five provinces.
1 いくつかの国がバイオ燃料活用のための基準、ないし目標を設定している。EUは2010年までにモーター燃料の5.75%をバイオ燃料とする目標を定めた。米国は2012年までに運輸に必要な燃料として284億リットルのバイオ燃料を使用するとしている。ブラジルは2007年までにディーゼル油全体の2%をバイオ燃料にし、2013年までに5%に引き上げることを要請している。タイは2007年に、すべてのガソリンにエタノールを10%使用することとした。インドは9つの州で5%のエタノールの使用を義務付けている。中国は5つの区でエタノールを10%混ぜるよう要請している。

2 From 2004 to 2007, global maize production increased 51 million tons, biofuel use in the U.S. increased 50 million tons and global consumption for all other uses increased 33 million tons, which caused global stocks to decline by 30 million tons (Mitchell 2008).
2 2004年から2007年まで、トウモロコシの世界的な生産量は5100万トン増加した。そのうち米国で使用されるバイオ燃料用としてのトウモロコシの生産量は5000万トン増え、その他の国でのトウモロコシの消費量は3300万トン増大した。結果として世界的なトウモロコシの貯蔵量は3000万トン減少した(ミッチェル 2008年)

3 Mitchell (2008) ‘A note on rising food prices’ (mimeo)
3 ミッチェル(2008年)「食糧価格高騰に関する覚書」

1.2 Impact on countries and households
1.2 国と所帯への影響

Rising global food prices are contributing to high food inflation in many countries.

The pass-through of rising global prices does not translate into an immediate and proportionate rise in domestic price levels, due to various factors such as a weakening dollar, domestic infrastructure and price stabilization policies. While the extent of global price transmission varies, over the past year there have been significant surges in domestic food
price inflation in countries such as Sri Lanka (34%), Costa Rica (21%), and Egypt (13.5%).

In many countries and regions, food price inflation is higher than aggregate inflation and contributing to underlying inflationary pressures. For example, in Europe and Central Asia overall inflation in 2007 averaged 10%, food inflation 15% and bread and cereals inflation 23%.4 This compares to 6% overall inflation and 6.4% food inflation in 2006.
多くの国や地域で、総インフレよりも高い食糧価格の暴騰が起きており、潜在的なインフレ圧力の一因となっている。例えば、ヨーロッパや中央アジアにおける2007年の総インフレ平均率は10%だが、食糧価格のインフレ率は15%、パンや穀物価格のインフレ率は23%だった。4 2006年では総インフレ率が6%であるのに対し、食糧価格のインフレ率は6.4%だった。

The terms-of-trade effects of these higher food prices have generally been mitigated by rising non-food commodity prices, although these averages mask significant balance of payments impacts for certain countries. When all primary commodity price changes are considered, the terms-of-trade impacts become large and positive for resource rich countries as exports of oil and other commodities more than compensate for higher food prices. Countries with the largest negative terms-of-trade impact include Lesotho, Eritrea and Gambia.

The distributional impacts of rising food prices can be serious even in countries where the balance of payments has not been adversely affected.

While some households benefit from higher prices, others are hurt by them, depending on whether they are net producers or consumers of the food staple and the extent to which wages adjust to higher food price inflation. In general poor people, especially in urban areas, suffer due to rising food prices.

Using a sample of household data for eight low income countries, a recent paper5 analyzes the
impacts of higher prices of key staple foods on poverty, taking into account direct impacts from changes in commodity prices, and impacts through changes in wage rates for unskilled labor. The results show that, in six of the eight countries considered, price increases for staple foods were associated with a significant rise in poverty.

Averaging across these eight countries, the increase in food prices between 2005 and 2007 is estimated to have increased poverty by 3 percentage points. A recent assessment in Indonesia shows that over three-fourths of the poor are net rice buyers, and an increase in the relative rice price by 10 percent will result in an additional two million poor people (or 1% of the population). Analysis using an alternative price index weighted according to the consumption patterns of the poor in Latin America suggests that in most countries of the region, the
effective inflation rate faced by the poor is higher than the official rate by 3 percentage points.6

4 Alam, Kathuria and Vybornaia (2008) ‘Rising Food Grains and Energy Prices in ECA: Some Economic and Poverty Implications, and Policy Responses’ (mimeo).

5 Ivanic and Martin (2008) ‘Implications of Higher Global Food Prices for Poverty in Low-Income Countries.’

6 ‘Rising Global Food Prices – the World Bank’s LAC region position paper’ (2008).6.「世界的な食糧価格の高騰:世界銀行ラテンアメリカ委員会による地域別報告」(2008)

For many countries and regions where progress in reducing poverty has been slow, the negative poverty impact of rising food prices risks undermining the poverty gains of the last 5 to 10 years, at least in the short term.

For example, in the case of Yemen, estimates show that the doubling of wheat prices over the last year could reverse all gains in poverty reduction achieved between 1998 and 2005. Over the long term, the impact on poverty of higher food and other commodity prices is less clear and depends partly on how overall economic growth responds to increased wealth accumulation and investment by net food-selling rural households.

2. What can governments do?

Policy interventions can be divided into three broad classes: (i) interventions to ensure household food security by strengthening targeted safety nets; (ii) interventions to lower domestic food prices through short-run trade policy measures or administrative action, and (iii) interventions to enhance longer-term food supply. Within all three categories of policies there are ‘first best’ or preferred options that are more effective and equitable, and introduce fewer distortions. Annex I summarizes the main policy options and ranks them according to the extent to which they meet these and other desirable criteria.