

原子科学者紀要(Bulletin of Atomic Scientists)


Japan's struggle to limit illegal dual-use exports

By Masako Toki and Stephanie Lieggi 5 September 2008
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Article Highlights

-Four Japanese companies have either knowingly or unknowingly illegally exported sensitive materials that could be used to help build a nuclear weapon.

-Specifically, International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors have found components from Japanese companies at nuclear-related facilities in Libya and North Korea.

-Tokyo has attempted to strengthen its export-control regulations, but staying ahead of proliferating entities has proven difficult.

Recent revelations of illegal transfers of sensitive materials by Japanese companies has again highlighted the fact that controlling the spread of dual-use materials remains a daunting challenge--even for a country with an advanced export-control system such as Japan.

In one recent case, Japanese authorities suspect that the Hiroshima-based Horkos Corporation knowingly falsified equipment specifications so it could export high-precision machinery to countries without applying for an export license. Another recent case involves Tokyo Vacuum and the Nakano Corporation, whose products were discovered by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors in North Korean nuclear facilities. Prior to either of these cases, the Mitutoyo Corporation--the largest producer of high-tech precision-measuring machines in the world--was found to have supplied three-dimensional measuring devices to entities working with the A. Q. Khan network, among others.

On the heels of the Mitutoyo case, Tokyo enhanced its efforts to prevent export-control violations. But while those efforts may ultimately be effective, revelations about the newest cases are a clear reminder that Japan's sophisticated dual-use technology remains a target for WMD-related illicit trafficking networks.

The Mitutoyo case

Japanese authorities raided Mitutoyo's facilities on February 13, 2006, the result of an investigation that began when IAEA inspectors found two Mitutoyo precision-measuring devices at nuclear-related facilities in Libya in 2003 and 2004. (See "Evading Export Controls: Mitutoyo Corporation as a Case Study in Determined Proliferation" and "The Mitutoyo Case: Will Japan Learn from Its Mistakes or Repeat Them?") These devices were dual-use items that could assist in manufacturing centrifuges to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. As evidence against the company mounted, it became clear to Japanese authorities that Mitutoyo had been intentionally skirting export controls for more than a decade. According to Japanese investigators, Mitutoyo may have transferred as many as 10,000 highly accurate measuring devices in a 10-year period without proper licenses.

The Mitutoyo violations were particularly egregious because of the company's prominence and the extent to which its management oversaw the violation efforts. In the early 1990s, as Japan increased control of certain dual-use items--such as Mitutoyo's three-dimensional measuring devices--company executives became concerned that tougher restrictions would cut into their profits.

In response, Mitutoyo's leadership established the "export management committee" that oversaw the development of methods for exploiting weaknesses in Japan's export-control system. The committee ingeniously created a software program--sardonically code-named "CoCom" after the multilateral export-control regime--that made Mitutoyo's precision-measuring equipment appear less accurate than it actually was. Once installed, this software allowed Mitutoyo to declare that the equipment being shipped was below the threshold requiring an export license. Therefore, if Japanese custom authorities checked the machine prior to export, the software would mask the device's true accuracy.

The company also systematically relied on its subsidiaries to facilitate its illegal transfers, and its Singapore and Malaysia offices became important conduits for sales to third countries. For example, between 1992 and 1995, the number of exports by Mitutoyo to its subsidiary in Singapore soared from 20-30 annually to approximately 200 per year. In 2001, two measuring devices were exported via Mitutoyo's Singapore subsidiary to Scomi Precision Engineering (SCOPE) in Malaysia. SCOPE played a key role in the Khan network's efforts to supply Libya with a nuclear weapons program, with Khan associate B. S. A. Tahir establishing the Malaysian firm to manufacture centrifuge components for Libya. The Mitutoyo measuring devices were retransferred by Tahir to Libya via Dubai between December 2001 and December 2002, where the IAEA discovered them.

In June 2007, four former Mitutoyo executives were convicted of numerous export control violations, but each received suspended sentences--thus, escaping jail time. Mitutoyo itself paid a $350,000 fine and received a multi-phased export ban. The ban lasts three years--the maximum duration allowed under Japanese law. But because the ban only targets specific items and includes exceptions for customers in countries considered "safe" (i.e., the United States), the company isn't expected to suffer long-term setbacks.

The Horkos Corporation case

Although many saw the Mitutoyo case as an aberration, on July 31, the Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Bureau and Hiroshima police raided the Horkos Corporation on suspicion that the company had illegally exported dual-use machine tools that could be used to develop nuclear weapons. Authorities believe that the items, called machining centers, were illegally transferred to a number of countries between 2004 and 2006.

Although the exported machines can be used to manufacture automotive components and other civilian devices, they can also be used to produce components for centrifuge separation devices for uranium enrichment. Due to their dual-use nature, machine centers are controlled by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law, and exporters need to obtain an export license from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI).

To avoid METI's licensing requirements, Horkos declared at the time of export that its machines were of a lower caliber. Relevant company officials reportedly approved of the unauthorized exports and multiple Horkos employees are accused of falsifying customs declarations. (See "Toolmaker Probed for Nuke-Linked Illicit Trade") It remains unclear if the company was aware that its products could be diverted for military purposes.

Japanese authorities have been particularly concerned about Horkos exports to South Korea, which may have been re-exported to North Korea or unspecified Middle Eastern countries. The police haven't released details about the South Korean company, so it's unclear why these transfers have raised particular concern. Horkos is also being investigated for questionable transfers to China, Thailand, France, and the United States. In total, Horkos is suspected of having exported more than 200 machines centers over a two-year period in violation of Japanese export control laws.1

Like Mitutoyo, Horkos is a prominent company; in 2007, it employed 665 people and generated $192 million in sales. The involvement of such a well-established firm in what authorities believe was a coordinated effort to elude export-control requirements raises the question of whether Japan's current system can sufficiently deter companies from seeking profits at the expense of security.

The Tokyo Vacuum and Nakano Corporation cases

In mid-June, Japanese authorities raided the facilities of Tokyo Vacuum, located in Sagamihara, and the Nakano Corporation, a Tokyo trading company, suspected of the unlicensed export of vacuum pumps usable in uranium enrichment. As in the Mitutoyo case, the raids stemmed from findings made by the IAEA--this time as a result of inspections undertaken by the agency in July 2007 at the Yongbyon nuclear complex and other nuclear-related facilities in North Korea.2 Japanese authorities identified the transferred items PDF [in Japanese] as an oil-diffusion pump, oil-rotary pump, and other relevant components. While there's been previous speculation that Japanese-origin products were used in developing Pyongyang's nuclear weapons, this was the first confirmed finding of such equipment at a North Korean facility.3

Tokyo Vacuum manufactured the pumps in question and then exported them to a customer in Taiwan by Nakano in July 2003. According to one media report, Japanese investigators suspect that the recipient was a Taipei-based trading company named Transmerits. That company appears to have then re-exported the pumps to Namchongang, a trading company in Pyongyang headed by the North Korean representative during the 2007 IAEA inspection of Yongbyon. No information has been released about the Taiwanese company and whether Taiwanese authorities are pursuing an export-control violation case against it. The pumps were reportedly used at North Korean nuclear facilities to remove impure substances from plutonium under strong vacuum pressure.4

After the raid, Nakano's president claimed he wasn't aware that the pumps would be re-exported to North Korea and that the manufacturer had told the trading company that the equipment didn't require an export license.5 But according to a METI press release PDF [in Japanese], Nakano later admitted to investigators that the company recognized at the time of the transfer that the equipment could be re-exported to North Korea. Ultimately, government prosecutors chose not to press formal charges against Nakano because they couldn't prove that the president or anyone else in the company was aware that the pumps would be used for North Korea's nuclear weapons development.6 METI did issue a stern warning PDF [in Japanese] on August 8 to Nakano about abiding by domestic export-control laws.

Both Tokyo Vacuum and Nakano had long-established trading partnerships with Taiwanese companies, and the transactions that led to the violations could have been easily overlooked by Japanese authorities since the Taiwanese end-user wasn't subject to strict export-control requirements. Unlike the Mitutoyo or Horkos, this case doesn't appear to be a result of blatant disregard for Japanese export controls, but instead, a lack of awareness and due diligence on the part of the companies concerned. Such a lack of awareness about export-control requirements among small- and medium-sized Japanese enterprises has been cited as a major cause of unauthorized transfers of sensitive dual-use products.

The challenge of keeping up with proliferation

A significant amount of Japan's foreign trade and industry is based on the manufacturing of advanced technology, much of which has dual-use applications. In this way, Tokyo's ability to control its trade in sensitive materials has a serious impact on international security and nonproliferation. As the recent violations make clear, the Japanese export-control system is struggling to keep up with the rapid growth in dual-use technology and globalized trade. Japan isn't alone, as export-control violations by U.S. and European companies highlight.7 The constantly changing nature of modern technology means that the governments of industrialized nations must struggle with the maintenance of control lists and export-control regulations that are outdated almost as soon as they're published.

Japan's proximity to North Korea further complicates Tokyo's efforts. North Korea's missile and nuclear programs are seen as significant threats to Japan's domestic security, so stopping Pyongyang's procurement of Japanese dual-use technology has been a driving force in Tokyo's nonproliferation efforts. After North Korea's 2006 missile and nuclear tests, the Japanese government significantly tightened export-control regulations targeting North Korea in an effort to close off potential loopholes for illegal exports to Pyongyang.8

High-profile violation cases such as Mitutoyo, along with heightened global concern about proliferation, prompted Tokyo to take other recent steps to prevent further diversion of Japanese-origin products and technologies to WMD-related programs. In April 2006, METI established a working group of export control and nonproliferation experts under the Industrial Structure Council's Subcommittee on Security Export Control to assist Japanese authorities in preventing the illicit transfer of sensitive technologies. In 2007, the working group submitted its recommendations, which included strengthened penalties for export-control violations. Under the new rules put forth by the Japanese government--not yet formally approved by parliament--levels of fines for export-control violations would increase at least tenfold, bringing the maximum fine up to $184,000 per item transferred.9

Tokyo is also improving the compliance of all companies, no matter the size. As the Mitutoyo and Horkos cases demonstrated, large companies with an understanding of their export-control responsibilities are hard to deter unless fines and criminal penalties possess significant teeth. But smaller companies such as Tokyo Vacuum and Nakano often plead ignorance--rightfully or wrongfully. To counter this, Japan's export-control system is focusing more attention on industry outreach and promoting internal compliance programs. Tokyo first spearheaded efforts to improve internal compliance programs after problems surfaced with export-control violations in the late 1980s. (See "Japan's Export Control Initiatives: Meeting New Nonproliferation Challenges" PDF) But while most of Japan's larger companies have internal compliance programs, the programs in many small- and medium-sized companies are still lacking.

Therefore, Japan must continue to work with industry to raise awareness of the security ramifications of noncompliance with export controls and make clear that companies that don't take export restrictions seriously will suffer financial and legal consequences. Because with so many Japanese companies involved with highly sensitive dual-use items, the potential for more violations to occur remains.

1 "More Than 200 Machines Illegally Exported in 3 Years?" Yomiuri Shimbun, August 1, 2008.

2 "Japanese Factory Raided After Parts Found in North Korea," BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific, June 12, 2008.

3 "Japan-Made Pumps ‘Used at N-facilities in N. Korea,'" Daily Yomiuri, June 12, 2008.

4 "Ex-DPRK Diplomat Bought Nuclear Pumps Found by IAEA in Yongbyon," Daily Yomiuri, July 4, 2008.

5 "Japan Investigates North Korea Shipment," International Herald Tribune, June 13, 2008.

6 Kyodo News Service, "Case Against Japanese Firm for Alleged Export of Pumps to North Korea Dropped," BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific, July 15, 2008.

7 "Nuclear Black Markets: Pakistan, A. Q. Khan and the Rise of Proliferation Networks," International Institute for Strategic Studies Strategic Dossier, May 2007; for a list of U.S. companies recently punished for export-control violations by the Commerce Department, see "Don't Let This Happen to You!." PDF

8 "Export Controls Turn Up Heat on North Korea," Nikkei Weekly, October 23, 2006.

9 "Stiffer Penalty Eyed for Illegal Exports," Asahi Shimbun, June 15, 2007.




U.S. says its arms exports boomed this year

Wed Sep 3, 2008 9:07pm EDT
By Jim Wolf

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. government-brokered overseas arms sales are expected to total about $34 billion in the current fiscal year, up more than 45 percent from the year before, the Pentagon agency in charge said on Wednesday.

"Our program is growing by leaps and bounds," Jeanne Farmer of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency told an international defense industry conference.

Among the biggest government-to-government buyers in fiscal 2008, which wraps up at the end of this month, were Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt and Iraq, Farmer said.

Overseas arms sales are a key instrument of U.S. foreign policy as well as a boon to defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin Corp, Boeing Co, Northrop Grumman Corp, General Dynamics Corp and Raytheon Co.

In fiscal 2007, such sales totaled $23.3 billion, up from $21 billion in fiscal 2006, according to the security agency's figures.

Farmer, at the conference known as ComDef 2008, said her agency was playing a growing role in the U.S.-declared global war on terrorism and national security.

The security agency was currently working with 207 countries and had 12,262 "open cases" totaling $274.3 billion as of last month, she said. Open cases include those in which orders have been filled but which could still involve exercise of options among other things.

"In the current environment, everybody needs everything right now," Farmer said. "We do expect to continue to have large, large sales."

The United States carries out government-to-government conventional arms transfers through the Defense Department's Foreign Military Sales program, which operates on a no-profit, no-loss basis.

In 2007, the Pentagon notified Congress of more than $39 billion in such potential sales to 23 countries and Chinese-claimed Taiwan, including some funded by grant aid.

This year's notifications are expected to be a record high, led by Iraq. Not all notifications result in final sales such as those now being reported for this year. Buyers pay a fee, currently 3.8 percent of the cost of the purchase, to cover the cost of administering the program.

The U.S. government says arms sales strengthen U.S. national security by tightening bilateral defense ties, supporting coalitions and enhancing U.S. ability to operate with foreign militaries.

Critics say booming sales reflect a failure of U.S. diplomacy and show a need for the United States to rethink how it handles foreign policy.

"Instead of spending millions or billions of dollars on weaponry, many U.S. arms customers should be funding education, health, and infrastructure programs that would go much further in improving the long-term stability of their countries," said Wade Boese, research director of the Arms Control Association, a nonpartisan group aimed at curbing the spread of weapons.

(Reporting by Jim Wolf; editing by Carol Bishopric)







The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations

Authors:Eben Kaplan, Associate Editor/Jayshree Bajoria, Staff Writer
Updated: July 9, 2008

Pakistan's intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), has long faced accusations of meddling in the affairs of its neighbors. A range of officials inside and outside Pakistan have stepped up suggestions of links between the ISI and terrorist groups in recent years. In autumn 2006, a leaked report by a British Defense Ministry think tank charged, "Indirectly Pakistan (through the ISI) has been supporting terrorism and extremism—whether in London on 7/7, or in Afghanistan, or Iraq." In June 2008, Afghan officials accused Pakistan's intelligence service of plotting a failed assassination attempt on President Hamid Karzai; shortly thereafter, they implied the ISI's involvement in a July 2008 attack on the Indian embassy. In an October 2006 interview, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said some retired ISI operatives could be abetting the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan, but he denied any active links. Pakistan's government has repeatedly denied allegations of supporting terrorism, citing as evidence its cooperation in the "war on terror," in which it has taken significant losses both politically and on the battlefield



Supporting Terrorism?

"The ISI probably would not define what they've done in the past as 'terrorism,'" says William Milam, former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan. Nevertheless, experts say the ISI has supported a number of militant groups in the disputed Kashmir region between Pakistan and India, some of which are on the State Department's Foreign Terrorist Organizations list. While Pakistan has a formidable military presence near the Indian border, some experts believe the relationship between the military and some Kashmiri groups has greatly changed with the rise of militancy within Pakistan. Shuja Nawaz,author of the book Crossed Swords: Pakistan, its Army, and the Wars Within, says the ISI "has certainly lost control" of Kashmiri militant groups. According to Nawaz, some of the groups trained by the ISI to fuel insurgency in Kashmir have been implicated in bombings and attacks within Pakistan, therefore making them army targets.

On Pakistan's western border with Afghanistan, the ISI supported the Taliban up to September 11, 2001, though Pakistani officials deny any current support for the group. The ISI's first major involvement in Afghanistan came after the Soviet invasion in 1979, when it partnered with the CIA to provide weapons, money, intelligence, and training to the mujahadeen fighting the Red Army. At the time, some voices within the United States questioned the degree to which Pakistani intelligence favored extremist and anti-American fighters. Following the Soviet withdrawal, the ISI continued its involvement in Afghanistan, first supporting resistance fighters opposed to Moscow's puppet government, and later the Taliban.

Pakistan stands accused of allowing that support to continue. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has repeatedly said Pakistan trains militants and sends them across the border. In May 2006, the British chief of staff for southern Afghanistan told the Guardian, "The thinking piece of the Taliban is out of Quetta in Pakistan. It's the major headquarters." Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in September 2006, President Musharraf responded to such accusations, saying, "It is the most ridiculous thought that the Taliban headquarters can be in Quetta." Nevertheless, experts generally suspect Pakistan still provides some support to the Taliban, though probably not to the extent it did in the past. "If they're giving them support," Kathy Gannon, who covered the region for decades for the Associated Press says, "it's access back and forth [to Afghanistan] and the ability to find safe haven."

Many in the Pakistani government, including slain former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, have called the intelligence agency "a state within a state," working beyond the government's control and pursuing its own foreign policy. But Nawaz says the intelligence agency does not function independently. "It aligns itself to the power center," and does what the government or the army asks it to do, says Nawaz.

Control over the ISI

Constitutionally, the agency is acountable to the prime minister, says Hassan Abbas, research fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. But most officers in the ISI are from the army, so that is where their loyalties and interests lie, he says. Experts say until the end of 2007, as army chief and president, Musharraf exercised firm control over the intelligence agency. But now, Abbas says, "he is the third player in the game." With a new army chief and a new prime minister in Pakistan gaining increasing control of the agency, Musharraf has no direct control over it. But he still wields influence, Abbas says, in the form of a close former associate, Lieutenant-General Nadeem Taj, who heads the intelligence agency.

"I do not accept the thesis that the ISI is a rogue organization," Milam says. "It's a disciplined army unit that does what it's told, though it may push the envelope sometimes." With a reported staff of ten thousand, ISI is hardly monolithic: "Like in any secret service, there are rogue elements," says Frederic Grare, a South Asia expert and visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He points out that many of the ISI's agents have ethnic and cultural ties to Afghan insurgents, and naturally sympathize with them. Marvin G. Weinbaum, an expert on Afghanistan and Pakistan at the Middle East Institute, says Pakistan has sent "retired" ISI agents on missions the government could not officially endorse. Some observers believe Pakistan's duplicity is deliberate: "Musharraf's been playing with us since day one," Grare says.

Resistance in FATA

Pakistan's tribal areas along the Afghan border have emerged as safe havens for terrorists. Experts say because of their links to the Taliban and other militant groups, the ISI has some influence in the region. But with the mushrooming of armed groups in the tribal agencies, it is hard to say which ones the agency controls. Also, there appears to be division within the ISI. While some within the intelligence agency continue to sympathize with the militant groups, Harvard's Abbas says others realise they cannot follow a policy contradictory to that of the army, which is directly involved in counterterrorism operations in the area.

Mixed Record on Counterterrorism

Pakistan has arrested scores of al-Qaeda affiliates, including Khalid SheikhMohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. The ISI and the Pakistani military have worked effectively with the United States to pursue the remnants of al-Qaeda. Following 9/11, Pakistan also stationed eighty thousand troops in the troubled province of Waziristan near the Afghan border. Hundreds of Pakistani soldiers died there in resulting clashes with militants, which in 2006 Musharraf told a CFR meeting "broke the al-Qaeda network's back in Pakistan."
But Musharraf has cracked down on terrorist groups selectively, as this Backgrounder points out. Weinbaum in 2006 said the Pakistani military has largely ignored Taliban fighters on its soil. "There are extremist groups that are beyond the pale with which the ISI has no influence at all," he says. "Those are the ones they go after." In spring 2008, Ashley J. Tellis, senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, writes (PDF) in The Washington Quarterly that Musharraf tightened pressure on groups whose objectives were out of sync with the military's perception of Pakistan's national interest.

Taliban as a Strategic Asset

Pakistan does not enjoy good relations with the current leadership of Afghanistan, partly because of rhetorical clashes with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and partly because Karzai has made strong ties to India. Some experts say Pakistan wants to see a stable, friendlier government emerge in Afghanistan. Though the insurgency certainly doesn't serve this goal, increased Taliban influence, especially in the government, might. Supporting the Taliban also allows Pakistan to hedge its bets should the NATO coalition pull out of Afghanistan. In a February 2008 interview with CFR.org, Tellis said the Pakistani intelligence services continue to support the Taliban because they see the Taliban leadership "as a strategic asset," a reliable back-up force in case things go sour in Afghanistan.
Not everyone agrees with this analysis. According to Weinbaum, Pakistan has two policies. One is an official policy of promoting stability in Afghanistan; the other is an unofficial policy of supporting jihadis in order to appease political forces within Pakistan. "The second [policy] undermines the first one," he says. Nawaz says there is ambivalence within the army regarding support for the Taliban. "They'd rather not deal with the Afghan Taliban as an adversary," he says.

Allegations of Terrorist Attacks

Indian officials claim to have evidence that the ISI planned the July 2006 bombing of the Mumbai commuter trains, but the charges seem unlikely to some observers of the long, difficult India-Pakistan relationship. The two nations have a history of finger-pointing, and while some of the allegations hold water, there is a tendency to exaggerate. Furthermore, endorsing an attack on India would undermine Musharraf's own policy. "Pakistan is genuinely trying to open up relations with India," Gannon says.

In Weinbaum's view, the British report regarding its July 2005 bombings—which London insists is not a statement of policy—makes "too broad a statement." Though Pakistan does offer safe haven to Kashmiri groups, and perhaps some Taliban fighters, the suggestion that the ISI is responsible for the 7/7 bombings of London's mass transit system is "a real stretch," Gannon says.



World Politics Reviewに掲載されている寄稿論文より。

EU Leaders Talk Tough, but Act Softly, Toward Moscow


Richard Weitz Bio 02 Sep 2008
World Politics Review Exclusive

At an emergency Sept. 1 meeting in Brussels, European Union leaders adopted the unexpectedly stern stance of threatening to suspend negotiations with Moscow on a renewed cooperative framework agreement unless Russian troops withdraw from Georgia. The decision was amplified by the drama of the gathering, which represented the first emergency session of the EU heads of government, formally known as the European Council, since the beginning of the 2003 Gulf War.

According to the statement of the Extraordinary European Council, "Until troops have withdrawn to the positions held prior to 7 August," when they first intervened in Georgia, "meetings on the negotiation of the Partnership Agreement will be postponed" beyond their scheduled Sept. 15 start date. The heads of the 27 EU governments also explicitly condemned Russia's "disproportionate reaction" to the South Ossetian crisis, rejected as "unacceptable" Moscow's decision to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and urged other national governments to refrain from offering similar recognition.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, will lead a high-level EU delegation to Moscow and Tbilisi on Sept. 8 to review implementation of the six- point peace plan he negotiated between Russia and Georgia last month. If Sarkozy, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana find that Russia is not fulfilling its commitment to withdraw troops by then, the EU would postpone the opening of the talks on a new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA).

Russian representatives claim they have already redeployed their regular troops behind the ceasefire lines and that only "peacekeepers" remain on Georgian territory to establish a buffer zone outside the two separatist regions. The EU governments, seeking to undercut Moscow's justification for their presence, offered to deploy hundreds of unarmed ceasefire monitors in their place.

The European Council session saw some of the same divisions that split last month's NATO summit. The representatives of France, Germany, and Italy, fearful of a renewed Cold War, advocated continued negotiations with Russia and further EU-led mediation between Moscow and Georgia. The governments of Britain, Poland, and the Baltic states wanted to adopt a harder line, including possible economic sanctions against Russia. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski observed that, while everyone wanted to avoid another Cold War, "If we get it, I have no doubts who will win it."

The widespread reluctance to impose economic sanctions on Russia resulted from a perception that these coercive measures could hurt Europeans much more than Russians after Moscow retaliated. EU countries currently import on average about 40 percent of their natural gas and one-third of their oil from Russia or through Russian-controlled pipelines. In addition, Russia is presently the EU's third-largest trade partner, after the United States and China, while the EU is Russia's largest trading partner, accounting for almost half of Moscow's foreign trade.

Instead of threatening Moscow with sanctions, the European Council offered financial and other support for Georgia's beleaguered government. The EU leaders pledged a direct $110 million grant and offered to organize an international donors' conference to raise additional funds. The EU leaders also stated they would consider establishing a free trade area encompassing Georgia and relaxing visa rules for Georgian citizens, which are often stricter than those the EU imposes on Russians seeking entry. "I think we found an excellent compromise," German Chancellor Angela Merkel later argued, "not going back to business as usual, but still making clear that we want to maintain contact with Russia."

After the meeting, Sarkozy told a press conference that the ball now lay in Russia's court: "The question is, what does Russia want? Does it want . . . cooperation, or confrontation?" Sarkozy rejected the notion of giving Moscow a special sphere of influence in the former Soviet republics, observing that, "Yalta is behind us." At the February 1945 conference in Yalta, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill led Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin to conclude that the Western democracies had granted Moscow primacy in much of Eastern Europe. The Cold War arose after Soviet troops began installing puppet governments in these countries despite subsequent Western objections.

EU External Affairs Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner later told the European Parliament the EU intended to extend support to other former Soviet bloc countries to "underline that we will not accept new dividing lines in Europe, and that partners like Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova can count on our support for their territorial integrity and sovereignty."

The White House welcomed the EU decision as demonstrating that "Europe and the United States are united in standing firm behind Georgia's territorial integrity, sovereignty and reconstruction." White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Washington would participate in the planned donors' conference and provide its own economic assistance to help Georgia recover from the war. Perino also announced that Vice President Dick Cheney would soon visit Georgia as well as Azerbaijan and Ukraine to conduct a fact finding mission to determine an appropriate course of action. Cheney's itinerary would allow him to reaffirm U.S. interest in the region -- especially as an energy corridor between Central Asia and Europe -- and reject Moscow's claimed primacy in the former Soviet space.

In its first answer to Sarkozy's rhetorical question, Russia's EU envoy Vladimir Chizhov, echoing the assertions of other Russian government officials that they were prepared to engage in another Cold War if necessary, responded that "We don't need these talks or this new agreement any more than the EU does." Russian leaders continue to demand that Western governments abandon Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, whom they hold responsible for the war, in order to maintain good relations with Moscow. When asked about the possibility of EU sanctions on Moscow, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov replied that the EU and the rest of the international community could best "impose an embargo on arms supplies on that regime until different leaders have turned Georgia into a normal country."

The day after the summit, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement praising the EU for rejecting the more confrontational proposals of some of its members. "There were calls from some states to impose sanctions on Russia and freeze relations . . . but the main thing is that . . . the majority of EU states showed a responsible approach and confirmed their course towards partnership with Russia, realizing all too well the importance of mutually beneficial cooperation." Much of the Russian press was even more enthusiastic, describing the EU failure to impose sanctions as a victory of Russian diplomacy.

Richard Weitz is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a World Politics Review contributing editor.