





Arms Control and the 2008 Election

Arms Control Today 2008 Presidential Q&A: Democratic Nominee Barack Obama*


As has been done for presidential elections stretching back more than three decades, Arms Control Today (ACT) asked both major party presidential nominees to answer a series of detailed questions on arms control and nonproliferation issues. Below are the answers ACT received on Sept. 10 from Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, the Democratic nominee for president, to the dozen questions posed to him and Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain of Arizona. Click here for the PDF Version.

ACT: Dozens of senior U.S. statesmen, led by former Secretary of State George Shultz and former Senator Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), are urging the United States to lead the world toward nuclear disarmament through such steps as ratifying the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), rendering nuclear forces less ready to launch on short notice, and eliminating tactical nuclear weapons, including U.S. bombs stationed in Europe. Do you support the goal of nuclear disarmament, and what actions should be given priority to make progress toward that objective or to reduce global nuclear dangers?

Obama: As president, I will set a new direction in nuclear weapons policy and show the world that America believes in its existing commitment under the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to work to ultimately eliminate all nuclear weapons. I fully support reaffirming this goal, as called for by George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, William Perry, and Sam Nunn, as well as the specific steps they propose to move us in that direction.[1] I have made it clear that America will not disarm unilaterally. Indeed, as long as states retain nuclear weapons, the United States will maintain a nuclear deterrent that is strong, safe, secure, and reliable. But I will not authorize the development of new nuclear weapons. And I will make the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons worldwide a central element of U.S. nuclear policy.

To make progress toward this goal, I will seek real, verifiable reductions in all U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons—whether deployed or nondeployed, whether strategic or nonstrategic—and work with other nuclear powers to reduce global stockpiles dramatically by the end of my presidency. As a first step, I will seek Russia’s agreement to extend essential monitoring and verification provisions of the [Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty] START I before it expires in December 2009. I will work with Russia in a mutual and verifiable manner to increase warning and decision time prior to the launch of nuclear weapons.

I will initiate a high-level dialogue among all the declared nuclear-weapon states on how to make their nuclear capabilities more transparent, create greater confidence, and move toward meaningful reductions and the eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons. As president, I will reach out to the Senate to secure the ratification of the CTBT at the earliest practical date and will then launch a diplomatic effort to bring onboard other states whose ratifications are required for the treaty to enter into force. Finally, I will lead a global effort to negotiate a verifiable treaty ending the production of fissile materials for weapons purposes and will work with other interested governments to establish a new nuclear energy architecture.

ACT: What role, if any, should nuclear weapons have in U.S. security policy? Can existing U.S. warheads and the current nuclear weapons complex support those roles, or do you believe new warheads and capabilities are needed?
ACT: 米国の安全保障政策において、核兵器の役割が、もしあるとしたら何でしょうか。米国が保有する既存の核弾頭と核兵器が総体として、安全保障上の役割を果たしているといえるのでしょうか。また、あなたは、新たな核弾頭と核能力が必要であると考えているのでしょうか。

Obama: The most important objective with respect to nuclear weapons is doing everything we can to prevent the use of any such weapons, anywhere in the world. So long as nuclear weapons exist, the United States needs to retain nuclear weapons to prevent this from happening. But we need to do more. I will restore America’s leadership in reducing the role of nuclear weapons and working toward their ultimate elimination. A world free of nuclear weapons is a world in which the possibility of their use no longer exists.
As long as nuclear weapons exist, I will retain a strong, safe, secure, and reliable nuclear deterrent to protect us and our allies. But I will not authorize the development of new nuclear weapons and related capabilities. And I will make the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons worldwide a central element of U.S. nuclear policy.

ACT: Many Americans fear that terrorists might acquire biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons and use them against the United States, its troops, or allies. What more should be done to prevent that tragic possibility from occurring?

Obama: Conventional thinking has failed to keep up with new nuclear, chemical, and biological threats. Today we confront the possibility of terrorists bent on our destruction possessing a nuclear weapon or bomb-making materials. We need a president who understands these new security threats and who has effective strategies for addressing them. Since early on in my time in the Senate, I have worked with Senator Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) and others across the aisle to expand efforts to stop smuggling of nuclear material and keep nuclear and conventional weapons out of terrorists’ hands.

As president, I will lead a global effort to secure all nuclear weapons materials at vulnerable sites within four years—a critical way to prevent terrorists from acquiring a nuclear bomb. I will work with Russia in this effort and with other countries to develop and implement a comprehensive set of standards to protect nuclear materials from theft. I will also phase out highly enriched uranium from the civil sector; strengthen policing and interdiction efforts; build state capacity to prevent theft, diversion, or spread of nuclear materials; and convene a summit on preventing nuclear terrorism.

Biological weapons similarly pose a serious and increasing national security risk. To prevent bioterror attacks, I will strengthen U.S. intelligence collection overseas to identify and interdict would-be bioterrorists before they strike, assist states to meet their obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 1540 [2] and the Biological Weapons Convention, strengthen cooperation with foreign intelligence and law enforcement agencies, build capacity to mitigate the consequences of bioterror attacks, improve local and state emergency responses to cope with catastrophic emergencies, and accelerate the development of new medicines, vaccines, and production capabilities.

ACT: Countries are expressing greater interest in nuclear power at a time when there is mounting concern that the spread of nuclear technologies and expertise for energy purposes could contribute to secret weapons options or programs. What can be done to prevent countries from acquiring and misusing latent nuclear weapons production capabilities, particularly uranium-enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing technologies and know-how?

Obama: Our nuclear security and that of our allies requires that the expansion of nuclear reactors for electricity generation is not accompanied by the expansion of sensitive nuclear fuel-cycle facilities that can produce bomb-grade plutonium and uranium. As president, I will make it a top priority to prevent nuclear fuel from becoming nuclear bombs. I will work with other interested governments to establish a new international nuclear energy architecture—including an international nuclear fuel bank, international nuclear fuel-cycle centers, and reliable fuel supply assurances—to meet growing demands for nuclear power without contributing to the proliferation of nuclear materials and fuel-production facilities. An international system that ensures access to reasonably priced fuel will encourage developing countries that they do not need sensitive nuclear fuel-cycle facilities to grow their economies, while ratcheting up pressure on any states seeking to disguise their nuclear weapons ambitions.

ACT: START is set to expire December 5, 2009, and the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (also known as the Moscow Treaty) limits end December 31, 2012. Should the United States and Russia continue the process of negotiating nuclear cuts through verifiable bilateral agreements or manage their nuclear relationship in other ways? How should the two countries minimize strategic distrust and overcome decades of strategic competition?

Obama: The United States and Russia should seek real, verifiable reductions in all U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons—whether deployed or nondeployed, whether strategic or nonstrategic. I am committed to working with Russia and other nuclear-weapon states to make deep cuts in global stockpiles by the end of my first term. This process should begin by securing Russia’s agreement to extend essential monitoring and verification provisions of START I prior to its expiration in December 2009. As president, I will also immediately stand down all nuclear forces to be reduced under the Moscow Treaty [3] and urge Russia to do the same.

Keeping nuclear weapons ready to launch on a moment’s notice is a dangerous relic of the Cold War. Such policies increase the risk of catastrophic accidents or miscalculation. I believe that we must address this dangerous situation—something that President Bush promised to do when he campaigned for president back in 2000, but did not do once in office. I will work with Russia to end such outdated Cold War policies in a mutual and verifiable way.

ACT: Ballistic missiles can be used to deliver biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. What should be done to address threats posed by ballistic missiles, and how much of that effort should be devoted to developing anti-missile systems, including the possible deployment of U.S. missile interceptors in Europe or space?

Obama: Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons pose serious national security risks, especially when delivered on ballistic missiles that can strike our homeland, our troops abroad, or our allies. Missile defenses can be a significant part of a plan to reduce these dangers, but they must be proven to work and pursued as part of an integrated approach that uses the full range of nonproliferation policy tools in response to the full range of threats we face. As president, I will make sure any missile defense, including the one proposed for Europe, has been proven to work and has our allies’ support before we deploy it. I will also strengthen the Missile Technology Control Regime and explore other arms control measures to reduce the ballistic missile threat.

But in our haste to deploy missile defenses, we cannot lose sight of the real 21st-century threats. The biggest nuclear security risk is not from a rogue state lashing out with ballistic missiles, but a terrorist smuggling a crude nuclear device across our borders. We spend more than $10 billion a year on missile defense, but far too little on securing nuclear materials around the world and improving security (including detection) at our ports and borders. We must focus our defenses on the most likely threats.

ACT: As China increases its military spending and modernizes its nuclear forces, what role, if any, should arms control play in preventing a regional arms competition or crisis and improving relations between the United States and China?

Obama: China appears to be developing a credible retaliatory capability as part of its evolving nuclear deterrent. As president, I will ensure that the United States continues to maintain our own military capabilities so that there can be no doubt about the strength and credibility of our security commitments in the Asia-Pacific region. I support the continuation of military-to-military exchanges with China, including efforts by the Bush administration to sustain a dialogue on strategic nuclear issues and resume laboratory-to-laboratory exchanges that were terminated in the 1990s.

I will urge China to increase transparency of its nuclear weapons policies and programs — indeed, of its military and defense policies more generally. We are not enemies. I will engage the Chinese leadership in discussions that convey how greater openness in military spending and nuclear force modernization is consistent with China’s and the United States’ national interests and more likely to lead to greater trust and understanding.

ACT: China and the United States recently have each destroyed one of their own satellites with missiles, raising concerns about space-based weapons and arms that target objects in space. What, if anything, should be done to limit such developments?

Obama: While steps such as improving procurement to ensure timely, cost-effective delivery of satellites and diversifying our remote-sensing capabilities are important, satellites will remain vulnerable as well as indispensable to our national interests for the foreseeable future. We cannot ignore dangers and should thoroughly assess possible threats to U.S. space assets. This will include establishing contingency plans to ensure that U.S. forces can maintain or duplicate access to information from space assets and accelerating programs to protect U.S. satellites against attack. I will take whatever military and diplomatic steps are needed to safely assure the survivability of our satellites and respond appropriately if another country targets them. But our national security—as well as that of our strategic competitors—requires that we work in concert to prevent military conflict in space, to address the practical problems that the growth of satellite launches and operations have created, and to help all nations reap the benefits that peaceful uses of space can provide. That is why I have endorsed an international code of conduct to clarify the rules of the road to manage traffic in space and prevent satellites from being put at risk. In addition to unilateral steps needed to protect our interests in space, I will pursue negotiations of an agreement that would ban testing anti-satellite weapons.

ACT: How would you build on U.S. efforts through the six-party process to denuclearize North Korea and prevent it from proliferating nuclear weapons-related technology and missiles?

Obama: As president, I will work from the very beginning of my term in office to reduce nuclear dangers in Northeast Asia. I will continue to pursue the kind of direct and aggressive diplomacy with North Korea that can yield results, while not ceding our leverage in negotiations unless it is clear that North Korea is living up to its obligations. North Korea will be offered a stark choice: if it verifiably eliminates its nuclear weapons programs and does not engage in any proliferation activities whatsoever, it will receive meaningful economic, political, and security benefits. If North Korea refuses, it will face a bleak future of political and economic isolation. The objective must be clear: the complete and verifiable elimination of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs, which only expanded while we refused to talk.

Pyongyang’s recent nuclear declaration was a step forward, but there will be many more steps to take in the days ahead. I will aggressively follow up to ensure a complete, accurate, and verifiable accounting of North Korea’s past plutonium production; confirm its prior uranium-enrichment activities; and get answers to disturbing questions about its proliferation activities with other countries, including Syria. As my administration moves forward, I will also work with our friends and allies in the region to assure that the six-party process addresses all issues on the agenda, including that of abductees.

ACT: The current administration has stated that it is committed to a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue. Although the United States has worked to impose a variety of sanctions on Iran and has offered to negotiate an incentives package along with the other permanent members of the Security Council and Germany if Tehran suspends enrichment, Iran continues to expand its nuclear capabilities. What steps would you take to address Iran’s nuclear program?

Obama: The Iranian nuclear threat is growing. Last fall’s National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) confirmed that Iran has engaged in nuclear weapons design activities, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warns that it continues to enrich uranium using more sophisticated technology. Together these activities could soon put Iran in the position of building nuclear weapons. That must not happen. And I will do everything I can as president to prevent it from happening.

My goals are clear: Iran must come clean on its past and present nuclear activities, and it must suspend its uranium-enrichment activities. To get there, I will prepare for and engage in direct talks with Tehran to test its intentions. I strongly support tougher action by the UN Security Council, as well as steps by our friends and partners in Europe and Asia to impose additional economic costs on Tehran beyond those that can be agreed to at the United Nations. A united diplomatic front with the P5+1 [4] directly calling on the Iranians to end any nuclear weapons activities will, in turn, maximize international pressure and remind Iran’s people that it is their government that is choosing to isolate them from the world. It will also send Iran a clear message: live up to your obligations now; by waiting, you will only face greater isolation. A credibly military option must also be kept on the table.

We still have time to address the Iranian nuclear issue diplomatically, but we need to use that time wisely. While we have stood on the sidelines until recently, Iran has defiantly expanded its nuclear program. I call on Iran not to wait for a new administration to reach agreement on the nuclear issue. Such an outcome is possible if we pursue the kind of tough, sustained, and unconditional diplomacy—backed by tough sanctions—that I have long supported and that the NIE concluded can prove effective in dissuading Tehran from pursuing a nuclear weapons capability.

ACT: It has been 10 years since India and Pakistan each conducted a series of nuclear tests. Since that time, South Asia has witnessed a buildup of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, armed conflict and risks of nuclear escalation, and a nuclear technology smuggling network that aided the nuclear weapons programs of other countries. How will you work to reduce the risks posed by India’s and Pakistan’s nuclear arsenals and programs?

Obama: The Bush administration’s policies toward both India and Pakistan have allowed grave nuclear risks to grow in South Asia since the 1998 nuclear tests. I will work to reduce the region’s nuclear dangers in a number of ways.

First, I will expand the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) from its current focus on stopping illicit nuclear shipments to eradicating nuclear black market networks, like the remnants of the Abdul Qadeer Khan organization. Second, the best way to reduce nuclear risks in South Asia is to reduce incentives to test and deploy new nuclear weapons. My two amendments in the Hyde Act [5] sought to accomplish these goals. Just as I will work with the U.S. Senate to secure ratification of the CTBT at the earliest practical date, I will prioritize diplomatic efforts with India and Pakistan to encourage them to move beyond their moratorium on nuclear testing toward the ratification of the treaty. Third, I will continue my work begun in the Senate to secure all dangerous weapons and materials against terrorist threats worldwide, including in South Asia. Fourth, I will encourage India and Pakistan to collaborate with IAEA experts to maximize security at nuclear power plants and related facilities. Fifth, and finally, I will continue support of ongoing Indian and Pakistani efforts to resolve the Kashmir problem in order to address the political roots of the arms race between India and Pakistan.

ACT: There are several international initiatives under consideration or in place to reduce the threats posed by conventional weapons that take the lives of noncombatants, including a limit or ban on cluster munitions use, a global arms trade treaty to better regulate weapons transfers, and the Ottawa Convention against anti-personnel landmines. What steps, if any, should be taken to limit conventional arms dangers?

Obama: In general, I strongly support international initiatives to limit harm to civilians caused by conventional weapons. In the Senate, I worked with Senator Lugar to pass legislation securing conventional weapons like shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, anti-personnel landmines, and other small arms; co-sponsored legislation introduced by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) prohibiting future procurement of victim-activated landmines; and voted for an amendment offered by Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Leahy prohibiting the use or transfer of cluster munitions absent rules of engagement ensuring they would not be employed near concentrations of civilians.
As president, I will help lead the way on these issues. Our military has legitimate concerns on these issues, and I look forward to consulting closely with leadership at the Department of Defense as we shape policies on these key issues. At the same time, I recognize that our forces have been moving away from using cluster munitions and anti-personnel landmines ourselves, and these trends can be accelerated with targeted investments in innovative technologies. We also have a strong national security interest in preventing the illegal trade in small arms, including rocket launchers sought by terrorists and other extremists. I will regain our leadership on these issues by joining our allies in negotiations and honoring U.S. commitments to seek alternatives to landmines, while also ensuring that our service members have the tools that they need to do the dangerous missions that we ask them to perform.
オバマ氏:通常兵器による文民の被害に歯止めをかけるための国際的なイニシアチブを、私は強く支持する。上院で、私は、ルーガー議員と協力し、肩撃ち式の対空ミサイルや対人地雷、その他の小型武器などの通常兵器を安全に保管するための法案や、バーモント州選出の民主党のパトリック・リーヒ上院議員とペンシルベニア州選出の共和党のアーリーン・スペクター上院議員が共同で提出した、人の存在、接近で爆発する地雷(victim-activated landmines)の将来的な調達を禁じた法案の可決を後押ししてきたし、カリフォルニア州選出の民主党のダイアン・ファインスタイン上院議員とリーヒ上院議員が提出した、文民密集地帯での使用を控えるとする交戦規定による規制がなかったクラスター爆弾の使用と移転を禁じる修正案にも賛成票を投じた。私が大統領となったら、通常兵器の問題に、主導的に取り組んでいけるようにしたい。米軍には、この問題に関心を持つ正当な理由があるだろうし、私たちがこの問題に対する政策を形成する上で、国防総省の首脳陣と、密接な協議を持てることを期待したい。同時に、私は、米軍はクラスター爆弾や対人地雷の使用から決別したと認識しているし、技術革新を目指した投資が、クラスター爆弾や対人地雷の使用から決別するという傾向を加速させているとも思う。私たちは、また、テロリストや過激主義者らが入手しようとしているロケット・ランチャーをはじめとする小型武器の違法取引を阻止することについて、国家の安全保障上からも強い関心を持っている。私は、同盟国とともに交渉を進め、地雷に代わる代替物を探るという約束を果たす中で、通常兵器の問題における米国のリーダーシップを取り戻したいと考えている。一方で、危険な任務に就いている米軍のメンバーに必要な装備も確保する必要がある。

*Republican nominee John McCain did not respond to the ACT questionnaire.
Additional clarification is provided below by Arms Control Today. These comments were not provided by the candidate and should not be considered part of his official statement.

1. George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam Nunn, “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” The Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2007, p. A15; George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam Nunn, “Toward a Nuclear-Free World,” The Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2008, p. A13.

2. The UN Security Council in April 2004 unanimously adopted Resolution 1540, which requires all countries to implement a variety of domestic measures to prevent nonstate actors from acquiring unconventional weapons, their means of deliveries, and related materials.The UN Security Council committee charged with monitoring, facilitating, and promoting national efforts to comply with the resolution had its mandate extended for two years by Resolution 1673 in 2006 and for three years by Resolution 1810 in 2008.

3. Formally the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT), the May 2002 Moscow Treaty commits the United States and Russia to reduce their operationally deployed strategic nuclear forces to a level of 1,700 to 2,200 nuclear warheads apiece by December 31, 2012. The treaty’s warhead limit expires at the end of that same day.

4. The P5+1 refers to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and Germany. They have engaged Iran in negotiations on its nuclear programs.

5. Signed by President George W. Bush into law December 18, 2006, the Henry J. Hyde United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act of 2006 sets the conditions for the United States to resume civil nuclear commerce with India for the first time since such trade was cut off roughly three decades ago.






North Korea to Reportedly Make 'Important Announcement'

Sunday, October 19, 2008

TOKYO — North Korea will make an "important announcement" on Monday amid speculation over the health of its leader Kim Jong Il, a Japanese newspaper reported Sunday.

The 66-year-old North Korean leader disappeared from public view in mid-August and failed to make appearances on two important national holidays, leading to speculation he was seriously ill. U.S. and South Korean officials said he suffered a stroke and had brain surgery, but North Korea has denied he is ailing.

Quoting unidentified sources at Japan's defense ministry, the Sankei said Tokyo had information that "there will be an important announcement on (Oct.) 20th."

The Sankei said there was speculation within the Japanese government that the North's announcement could be about Kim's death or a government change induced by a coup.

North Korea will also ban foreigners from entering the country starting Monday, it said, without giving further details.

Japanese defense and foreign ministry officials could not be reached for comment Sunday.

The Sankei report came a day after Japan's biggest-selling Yomiuri daily said North Korea had ordered its diplomats abroad to be on standby for an important announcement.

Quoting several unidentified sources, the Yomiuri said Saturday the announcement could be about Kim's health or North Korea's relations with neighboring South Korea.

In Seoul, Kim Ho-nyeon, chief spokesman at the South Korean Unification Ministry, said Sunday the ministry could not confirm the Yomiuri report.

Kim said the ministry had not detected any unusual signs in North Korea.

South Korea's National Intelligence Service said it was trying to verify the Japanese media reports.

The Sankei also said the Chosen Soren, a pro-Pyongyang association of Koreans living in Japan, told its top officials to halt foreign and domestic trips. The Chosen Soren functions as North Korea's de facto embassy in Japan as Pyongyang and Tokyo have no diplomatic ties.

North Korea released photos earlier this month showing Kim inspecting a military unit and appearing healthy. However, it did not say when the pictures were taken. Some analysts said the photos appeared to have been taken earlier because plant foliage was wrong for the time of year.

On Thursday, North Korea threatened to break off all relations with South Korea if its new conservative government continues what the North called a policy of reckless confrontation with the communist nation.


Kim Jong-Il 'died in 2003', says Japanese professor

The health of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is not worsening, according to South Korean official, but a Tokyo professor has meanwhile asserted that Kim died in any case in 2003.

By Julian Ryall in Tokyo Last Updated: 9:35PM BST 07 Sep 2008

Speculation has recently grown again that Kim, who is 66 and has not been seen in public for more than three weeks, is unwell. Some media have long thought that Kim, a former smoker and heavy drinker, was ill but Seoul intelligence officials say they believe he has diabetes and heart problems, but those are not serious enough to affect his job.

But a book by Japan's Professor Toshimitsu Shigemura at Japan's respected Waseda University says Kim died in the autumn of 2003 and a series of stand-ins have since taken his place at official state event.

Prof Shigemura says Kim was not seen in public for the 42 days after September 10, 2003, and in his book "The True Character of Kim Jong Il" claims the man that North Koreans refer to as the "Dear Leader" died of diabetes.

"In the years before he died, Kim took some really big decisions on North Korea's relationships with the outside world," says the professor, pointing to the historic June 2000 summit with South Korean President Kim Dae Jung, a visit from Russian leader Vladimir Putin the following month and then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in October 2000.

The following January he was in China, met Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in September 2002 - and admitted that Pyongyang had abducted Japanese nationals to train its spies - and August 2003 saw the opening of six-way talks on halting North Korea's nuclear weapons programmes.

Then, suddenly, Kim disappeared, says Shigemura, and there was chaos in the upper echelons of the country's leadership. "I have been working on the book for four years," said Shigemura, a former journalist for the Mainichi newspaper who was posted to Seoul for six years from 1979 and then served for another five years in Washington D.C. A North Korean agent told him in 1995 that he had met one of Kim's doubles - there have been as many as four - and that he used them to stand in at outside ceremonies because he was fearful of a coup.

After Kim's death, a group of four very senior officials in the regime decided to protect their own positions by making the stand-in more permanent. Whenever anyone meets the North Korean leader, Shigemura says one of the four is alongside him "like a puppet-master."

A spokesman for Chongryun, the association of North Korean residents of Japan that effectively acts as Pyongyang's embassy in Tokyo, denied that Kim was dead.

"This is absolutely a lie," said Tae-shik Jon. "We do not want to even comment on such a stupid claim."
朝鮮総連のTae-shik Jon報道官は「まったくの嘘だ」と否定し、「こんな馬鹿げた言い分にコメントなどしたくもない」と述べた。









North Korea Is Off Terror List After a Deal With the U.S.

Published: October 11, 2008

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration announced Saturday that it had removed North Korea from a list of state sponsors of terrorism in a bid to salvage a fragile nuclear deal that seemed on the verge of collapse.

Sean McCormack, the State Department spokesman, said that the United States made the decision after North Korea agreed to resume disabling a plutonium plant and to allow some inspections to verify that it had halted its nuclear program as promised months earlier.

The deal, which the Bush administration had portrayed as a major foreign policy achievement, began slipping away in recent weeks in a dispute over the verification program. Just days ago, North Korea barred international inspectors from the plant.

The decision to remove North Korea from the terror list was a dramatic moment for President Bush, who had called the country part of an “axis of evil” and had only reluctantly ordered administration officials to engage in negotiations, saying that the United States had made deals with the nation’s leaders before without winning enough concessions.

That calculus changed in 2006, when North Korea exploded a nuclear device.

But Mr. Bush is already having trouble selling the new agreement to his own party. Republican lawmakers, including the presidential nominee, Senator John McCain, quickly expressed concern, complaining that North Korea had yet to demonstrate that it was serious about adhering to its commitment to denuclearize.

Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee for president, called the deal “a modest step forward” in dismantling North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. Other Democrats said they welcomed the agreement but noted that it did not go much beyond an agreement President Clinton reached with North Korea in 1994, which the Bush administration, including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, criticized as inadequate.

Bush administration officials, trying to head off potential criticism that they were simply seeking a foreign policy victory in their last months, said the agreement was the best the United States could get at this time.

Ms. Rice “very strongly feels that it is our own responsibility, until Jan. 20, 2009, to act as good stewards of the national interest,” Mr. McCormack said during a news conference.

In the most significant part of the accord announced Saturday, North Korea agreed to a verification plan that would allow United States inspectors access to its main declared nuclear compound, at Yongbyon; international inspectors have worked at the site on and off for years. But the deal puts off decisions on the thorniest verification issue: what would happen if international experts suspected the North was hiding other nuclear weapons facilities, particularly those related to uranium enrichment.

The United States wanted the North to agree to inspections at sites that raised suspicions, but North Korea balked. The new agreement calls for United States inspectors to be granted access to such sites “based on mutual consent” with North Korea.

Experts on North Korea say that the concession by the United States was probably necessary to achieve a deal, but that it no doubt will lead to future fights, since the North’s leaders will not want to give inspectors free rein to travel the country.

Patricia A. McNerney, one of the State Department negotiators, acknowledged that issue would probably lead to a hornets’ nest of problems. “Going into verification with North Korea will not be easy, we know that,” she said. “This is the most secret and opaque regime in the world.”

North Korea, which has long sought international acceptance, had been pushing hard to get off the terror list. But Mr. McCormack made clear on Saturday that North Korea is still subject to numerous economic sanctions.

The agreement follows weeks of intense negotiations and high-stakes brinkmanship, as North Korea, furious that the Bush administration had not removed it from the terrorism list as it agreed last summer, threatened to restart its plutonium-based weapons program and barred international inspectors from the Yongbyon plant. In Washington, State Department proponents of the deal, including Ms. Rice and her top North Korea envoy, Christopher R. Hill, battled critics inside and outside the administration who castigated them for trying to salvage the accord.

The administration has been at war with itself over whether to go ahead with the North Korea pact despite objections from critics in the office of Vice President Dick Cheney, and even some members of the State Department’s verification and compliance office. That rift spilled into the open at the news conference on Saturday, when a reporter asked Paula A. DeSutter, the assistant secretary of state for verification, compliance and implementation, how she responded to criticism of the deal from John R. Bolton, her former boss at the State Department.

Ms. DeSutter did not defend the accord, saying simply, “John is the epitome of a skeptical policymaker, and that’s appropriate.”

Despite the internal fights, Ms. Rice convinced President Bush last week that this was the best the administration could get in its remaining time in office. But as late as Friday, things remained up in the air, said one administration official, who, like several other officials and diplomats interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the issue. Another senior administration official described the internal deliberations as a “close call.”

Senator McCain said in a statement that he would not support the deal until he got some questions answered. “I expect the administration to explain exactly how this new verification agreement advances American interests and those of our allies,” he said. He added that he was “concerned that this latest agreement appears to have been reached between Washington and Pyongyang, and only then discussed with our Asian allies in an effort to garner their support.”

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Republican of Florida, issued a statement strongly criticizing the deal. “I am profoundly disappointed,” she said. “By rewarding North Korea before the regime has carried out its commitments, we are encouraging this regime to continue its illicit nuclear program and violate its pledge to no longer provide nuclear assistance to extremist regimes.”

Two of the Bush administration’s main criticisms of the 1994 accord were that it did not mandate the removal of nuclear material from North Korea and that international inspectors were limited to Yongbyon.

The 1994 accord collapsed in 2002 after the Bush administration accused North Korea of circumventing the agreement by pursuing a second path to a bomb, based on enriching uranium. The White House said at the time that it would require full verification that any uranium program had been halted, though later the intelligence community expressed some doubts about how far the program had gotten.

Although the new agreement leaves open the possibility of future inspections outside Yongbyon, it leaves vague what mechanism would be used to determine the status of a uranium program.

The North has agreed in principle to give up its nuclear material and any weapons, but that seems almost certain to be subject to negotiations with the next president. During the Bush administration, North Korea is believed to have produced enough bomb-grade plutonium for six or more nuclear weapons.

Bush administration officials have been consulting about the latest deal with its partners in the so-called “six-party” talks, the group including Russia, South Korea and Japan that negotiated the agreement in 2007 for the North to halt its nuclear activities.

Diplomats said that Japan had expressed reservations about removing North Korea from the terror list because the North still had not addressed all of their concerns about abductions of Japanese citizens decades ago.

After the official announcement on Saturday, Japan’s finance minister, Shoichi Nakagawa, called the American decision “extremely regrettable.”

South Korea has been more supportive.

“We welcome the agreement because we believe this will help put the six-party negotiations back on track and eventually lead to the dismantlement of North Korea’s nuclear programs,” said Kim Sook, South Korea’s main nuclear envoy, during a news conference in Seoul on Sunday.

The South Korean foreign minister, Yu Myung-hwan, had stressed Friday that if the six-party negotiations fell apart now, the next administration would have difficulty restarting them.

Gary Samore, a nonproliferation expert in the Clinton administration, characterized the deal as probably the best that could be gotten at this time, but warned of stormy times to come.

“Every agreement you ever have with the North Koreans always contains certain ambiguities, and that ends up being the basis for which you have the next round of talks,” he said. “It’s always two steps forward and one step back.”

For instance, he said, besides the issue of access to suspected nuclear sites, the United States and North Korea appear to have fudged the critical issue of whether American inspectors will be allowed to take all the samples they want out of the country to foreign laboratories for inspection.

According to a fact sheet issued by the Bush administration, the two sides agreed “on the use of scientific procedures, including sampling and forensic activities,” although the sheet doesn’t say where those tests would be done.

Mr. Bolton, the former United States ambassador to the United Nations under Mr. Bush, said that the Bush administration had “punted” the hardest issue, that of inspections beyond declared nuclear sites.

“This means that North Korea has a veto over everything beyond Yongbyon,” he said, “so that’s a clear victory for North Korea.”

Choe Sang-hun contributed reporting from Seoul, South Korea.







Strengthening a Weak Link in the Global Security Chain: Regional Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540

Regional organizations can assist member states in ways that might be seen as intrusive if coming from a global organization or powerful out-of-region states.

Professor Lawrence Scheinman and Johan Bergenäs[1]
September 9, 2008


United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) is one in a series of measures taken to address threats to the political and social order deriving from access to, or use of, weapons of mass destruction (WMD), related materials, and means of delivery. The resolution is distinct from existing treaty-based nonproliferation and arms control regime components, such as the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) that govern the behavior of states.

In contrast to these treaties, resolution 1540 in one instrument, covers all three types of weapon and reaches beyond the state to focus explicitly on the risk that non-state actors, in particular terrorist organizations bent on undermining, and in some cases supplanting, civil society might "acquire, develop, traffic in or use nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery." 1540 also goes beyond existing anti-terrorism conventions that collectively impose similar though less comprehensive obligations on convention parties in that, being adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the resolution is binding on all member states of the United Nations.

Specifically, 1540 requires that all states "refrain from providing any form of support to non-state actors that attempt to develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery"; and, consistent with national procedures, to "adopt and enforce appropriate effective laws" to foreclose the possibility of any non-state actor taking any of the above mentioned steps. Coverage extends, among other things, to accounting and security of items listed in the resolution, export and transshipment controls, border controls, including illicit trafficking, and physical protection.

The obligatory nature of the resolution raises the question of implementation. This is, for many states, a daunting task. As noted in an early analysis of the Resolution, "This is especially true for many of the world's developing states, some of which, even if they have the will to do so, lack the necessary resources. States particularly affected are those which are not already parties to the relevant WMD treaties (NPT, CWC, BTWC) and do not therefore already have the appropriate measures in place — and those which, although parties, have not fully implemented their obligations."[2] Beyond political will — which is lacking in many cases either because the challenges addressed in 1540 are seen as remote from a given country's concerns and as an effort by the United States and its allies to force the entire international system to partake in the "War on Terrorism" — there is the question of human, structural, and institutional capacity.

Sources of support in meeting the objectives of 1540, beyond self-help, include: direct bilateral assistance; assistance from specialized international organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW); multilateral organizations, for example Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; non-governmental entities, such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the Verification Research, Training and Information Center; and regional and sub-regional organizations, which are the focus of this paper, as well as a major joint United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) study, Implementing Resolution 1540: the Role of Regional Organizations.

Why focus on regional and sub-regional organizations?

There are several reasons why it makes sense to explore the role of regional organizations in implementing resolution 1540. First, Chapter VIII of the UN Charter encourages regional organizations to take appropriate actions to maintain international peace and security. Second, in the case of 1540, there is a record of support — including the former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, the two most recent 1540 Committee Chairmen, as well as a number of UN member states — of regional and sub-regional organizations playing an important role in the implementation process.[3] Third, UN Security Council Resolution 1673, which extended the 1540 Committee for two years in 2006, reaffirmed that sentiment, and this past April, the Security Council was even more explicit when passing UN Security Council Resolution 1810. That resolution extended the 1540 Committee for three more years and encouraged that body "to engage actively with States and relevant international, regional and sub-regional organizations to promote the sharing of experience and lessons learned in the areas covered by resolution 1540 (2004), and to liaise on the availability of programmes which might facilitate the implementation of resolution 1540" (paragraph 11.d) and requested "the 1540 Committee to provide opportunities for interaction with interested States and relevant international, regional and sub-regional organizations to promote implementation of resolution 1540 (paragraph 11.e).

Fourth, regional and sub-regional organizations tend to have a high degree of political legitimacy and enjoy a high level of confidence among their members. These organizations consist of states that voluntarily joined together on the basis of shared values, interests, history, experience and objectives, thus offering a greater prospect of achieving agreement and consistency regarding how to address, implement, and sustain a mandate that is binding on them all. While the UN also enjoys legitimacy and confidence among its members, a number of states raised serious questions about the legislative nature of 1540 and appropriation by the Security Council of authority and power normally associated with sovereign states. This concern is dissipating — or at least not brought up in the public domain as frequently as in the years after 1540 passed — and can be further ameliorated by greater involvement of regional and sub-regional organizations taking steps, consistent with relevant traditions and practices, to seek harmonization of national laws and practices for the region as a whole.

A fifth, related consideration is that regional organizations can play an important role in achieving a common understanding and interpretation of steps to take to ensure that their members work together to close gaps in 1540 implementation and to remedy inconsistencies which, if left unchecked, could undermine the common good of the member states and the broader international community. This would include focusing on legislative measures, relevant appropriate administrative structures, and training of personnel. In particular, regional and sub-regional organizations can assist members in identifying needs, capacity-building, resource assistance, cost sharing and the like, and in assuring that actions taken by their members are mutually reinforcing so as to avoid there being a weak link in the chain of measures taken by the region as a whole that could undermine the security of one's neighbors while nevertheless respecting cultural, legal, and conventional attributes of its members.

In short, authority, legitimacy, and confidence are all issues in play and regional organizations are one means — an important one — by which to address them. They enjoy legitimacy among their members and they have authority deriving from mandates granted by their member states. Because of these attributes, regional organizations are in a position to direct and assist member states in a variety of ways that might be seen as intrusive if coming from a global organization or powerful out-of-region states whose direct involvement might be interpreted in neo-colonial terms. They enjoy a high degree of confidence among their members, notwithstanding differences that may arise on specific issues.

Case studiesケース・スタディ

No country is in full compliance with all provisions of resolution 1540, but implementation challenges appear more prevalent in South-East Asia and the Pacific, Latin America, and Africa. As a result, those were the regions focused on in the UNIDIR-MIIS study.

1. Latin America
1. ラテンアメリカ

Monica Herz writes in her chapter of the aforementioned study that in Latin America "a regional effort is needed in order to deal with the perceived legitimacy gap of [resolution 1540] and the lack of capacity of some states to implement 1540 and to face the dangers of access to weapons or agents used for the production of weapons by non-state actors" and "the [Organization of American States (OAS)] has developed institutional mechanisms that can be geared towards a supporting role for the implementation of 1540 in terms of the objective dimension, that being the development of capabilities lacking in certain parts of the region, and in terms of the subjective dimension, that being generating regional debate on the normative framework the resolution puts forward and increasing its legitimacy."

Recognizing that there are regional differences within Latin America, this region is the most advanced of the three regions being examined insofar as levels of 1540 implementation and the potential of the major regional organization, the OAS, to play an important role. The OAS has in recent decades increased its engagement in security-related matters and created infrastructures to reflect that intensification. Since the end of the Cold War, such new OAS agencies include the Committee on Hemispheric Security and the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism (CICTE).

CICTE provides OAS member states with a forum in which they can discuss and share information about developing activities for training and crisis management, border cooperation, and travel documentation security measures in connection to the terrorism threat. CICTE also has programs in airport security, customs and border protection, cyber security, legislation against terrorism, port security, terrorist financing, terrorism policy engagement exercises, and tourism security. Topics on the agenda of the Committee on Hemispheric Security include trafficking in arms (conventional) and persons, fighting transnational organized crimes, and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and nonproliferation education.

One early indicator that the OAS was going to be involved in the 1540 implementation process was a special meeting organized by the Committee on Hemispheric Security in 2004 on combating the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, their delivery systems, and related materials within the framework of Resolution 1540. Since then, three outreach seminars, more than any other region, have taken place in Latin America and the Caribbean focusing on 1540 implementation (Buenos Aires, Argentine in 2005, Lima, Peru in 2006, and Kingston, Jamaica 2007). Support for Implementation at the Hemispheric Level of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 is also one of the themes that are being debated by the Committee on Hemispheric Security in 2008. Writes Herz in on the Committee on Hemispheric Security and CICTE in connection to resolution 1540: "it is possible for the OAS to play a role in supporting compliance with 1540...Institutional structures that are in place such as the Committee on Hemispheric Security and CICTE can get involved in the subject, generating debate and assistance programmes, sharing information and producing verification mechanisms where they cannot be generated by the state."

2. South-East Asia and the Pacific
2. 東南アジアと太平洋地域

Without intruding on the principles and traditions of consensus-based decision making, non-interference, and informal dialogue, it would seem that there are opportunities for the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) states to take steps to address and promote the mandate of 1540 in a way that maximizes implementation of the objectives of the resolution and avoids the risk of weak links in the chain, recognizing that consistency in scope and measures serves the security interests of each state and of the region as a whole and reduces the risk that non-state actors, illicit traffickers, and terrorists will be able to use the territory of any ASEAN state to promote and carry out their nefarious activities.

Identifying the threats, vulnerabilities and risks for all members of ASEAN, as well as agreeing on the nature of measures to be taken to protect oneself and each other pursuant to the legal and institutional foundations of each state involved, should be an objective on which all states could agree. Where assistance in achieving common objectives is needed ASEAN could serve as a vehicle for facilitating access from relevant outside sources. Bilateral assistance also would work but to the extent that states would prefer not to have bilateral involvement out of concern of a more intrusive involvement in national activity by an outside state, ASEAN could stand as an appropriate and acceptable means by which to address assistance requirements of its member states and in so doing be able to exercise some oversight over the consistency and compatibility of state measures in the interest of maximizing harmony and minimizing the risk of gaps in practice that could unintentionally undermine regional security as a whole.

Decoupling actions taken from the "War on Terrorism" with which many do not identify, but recognizing that certain threats and risks do exist and need to be addressed and weaknesses remedied in the interest of keeping the region safe from terrorism is important. Again, there is the consideration that regional security writ large really depends on the avoiding of weak links in the chain, that is to say assurance that all relevant states are addressing a range of problems and that each state and the region as a whole stand to gain or lose depending on the extent to which there is, or is not, a seamless web of measures and capabilities in place and being implemented and, where assistance is needed, it is accessible.

In short, regional coordination is an optimizer that serves the interests of all and that can be achieved in a manner consistent with ASEAN traditions of dialogue, consensus and non-interference. A focus on overall regional coordination via ASEAN that respects the regional tradition and still takes agreed steps that work in the common interest and for common security need not undercut regional traditions and should not be seen as such.

Cooperation and coordination are necessary for the region to benefit as a whole. One should want to avoid losing out in this regard because of unnecessary gaps between states which, in many respects, are interdependent. The key question is whether ASEAN can formulate and implement a strategy that ensures consultation, exchange of information, efforts to formulate a cooperative entity that, based on equivalence of approach, respects national differences, but nevertheless optimizes consistency and avoids the risk of the weak link in the chain. This applies to export controls, in particular strategic trade controls, border controls, focus on trans-shipment and transit activities — things that also provide enhanced security for a state in terms of concerns with drug and human trafficking, trafficking in small arms and light weapons, cross-border criminal activity that adversely affects the state, and the like.

In her chapter on South East Asia and the Pacific for the UNIDIR-MIIS study, Tanya Ogilvie-White offered recommendations for ASEAN and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), taking into account the traditions and practices of those organizations. At one level she suggested that "there could be some potential to expand the work of the [ARF] Intersessional Meeting on Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime (ISM-CTTC) to include a more specific focus on the implementation of 1540 or to assign this work to a new body on WMD counter-proliferation, which is currently under discussion within the [ARF]." In addition she recommended that ASEAN and ARF should "consider establishing a dedicated entity within ASEAN to liaise with the 1540 Committee and oversee and coordinate 1540 implementation in South-East Asia; consider setting up a working group on counter-terrorism...to set goals and agree priorities; construct an ASEAN website to identify gaps and keep track of all cooperative WMD-related counter-terrorism initiatives taking place across the region;" and very importantly, "adopt the export controls template being developed by the CSCAP Export Controls Experts Group; this would create a peer review tool to assist in capacity building and monitoring and to encourage best practice in the area of export controls."

3. Africa
3. アフリカ

The WMD nonproliferation issue is, and has since the 1960s been, on the agenda of the African Union (AU), and its predecessor the Organization for African Unity (OAU). It should be noted at the outset that other issues that has a more direct impact on the social order of African nations, such as the AIDS/HIV epidemic, poverty, civil wars, and the increase and spread of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), take priority on the third world continent. It is not that African countries are indifferent toward the WMD proliferation issue, but African states need to allocate political energy and scarce resources toward matters imperative to maintaining viable civil society.

Notwithstanding these realities, among other nonproliferation and arms control efforts, the OAU played a crucial role in promoting the NPT, contributing to today's universal adherence to that treaty in Africa — although numerous African states have yet to conclude comprehensive safeguards agreements with the IAEA, something that would indeed further 1540 implementation. The Pelindaba Treaty, establishing Africa as a nuclear-weapon-free zone (NWFZ), is another initiative where the OAU, in collaboration with the UN, played a critical role throughout the years. To date, the treaty does not enjoy the necessary 28 ratifications to go into force, however, recent ratifications have renewed the hope that a NWFZ in Africa may be realized.[4]

In recent years, Africa has also seen a significant increase in ratifications to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and even though the OAU and AU have been less active in promoting such treaties as the CWC and BTWC over the years, signatures and ratifications have continued to trickle in. Further, the Peace and Security Council of the AU is designated to consider regional or international peace and security issues. One of its objectives is to "co-ordinate and harmonize continental efforts in the prevention and combating of international terrorism in all its aspects" and one must assume, considering the sufficiently well understood linkage between terrorism and WMD, that that article includes the problem that resolution 1540 addresses.

Specifically regarding resolution 1540, two outreach seminars have taken place in Africa, one last year in Gaborone, Botswana, and one in 2006 hosted by Ghana. In February 2007, Ghana's ambassador to the UN strongly endorsement the use of regional organizations in the 1540 implementation process:

The European Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Caribbean Community, the Organization of American States, the League of Arab States, and the African Union...have the appropriate mechanisms for the pooling of resources for the implementation of such obligations under resolution 1540 as border controls and illicit financial networks within the regional context. Given their respective characteristics, they are able to develop more effective and contextually driven means to fulfill the obligations of resolution 1540, rather than simply transplanting measures from States with different values and cultures. Moreover, such bodies can place the fulfillment of the resolution on the regional agenda and thereby promote its universal adherence by all States in the region.[5]

Bearing in mind the current differences in saliency and urgency between SALW and WMD in Africa, there are also lessons to be learned by examining the work of African sub-regional organizations in implementing the 2001 UN Program of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA).

First, African sub-regional organizations — perhaps because they consist of a smaller and more homogenous membership and as a result are able to tailor their efforts even further to reflect sub-regional strengths and weaknesses — have, to a greater extent than the AU, been able to agree to and promote ratification of treaties, accords, and protocols in connection to the PoA. The Southern African Development Community's (SADC) Protocol on the Control of Firearms, Ammunition, and Other Related Materialsm is one example of a measure that covers comprehensive PoA implementation.

Another measure that in fact goes beyond PoA provisions is the Nairobi Protocol in the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa. That protocol requires states to introduce controls on illicit manufacturing, import, export, and transit, capacity-building, awareness-raising, information sharing and cooperation, harmonization of legislation, and requiring states to incorporate specific provisions in national legislation. Resolution 1540 includes almost identical obligations with regard to WMD, and it is reasonable to assume that efforts focused on, for example, illicit trafficking of SALW should have positive impacts on preventing illegal transfers of WMD or vice verse. Taking steps in Africa, or in any part of the world, to meet the challenge posed by WMD, states also stand to strengthen their ability to confront the challenges posed to their security by other issues. Effective border controls designed to deal with radioactive material or, chemical or biological agents, can be relevant to efforts to deal with the drug and SALW challenges.

The same holds true for transit and transshipment controls. Laws, regulations and administrative measures focused on export controls to deal with illicit trafficking of dual use commodities such as ring magnets or maraging steel, which are relevant to nuclear activities, can also be a template for dealing with small arms, drug, and human trafficking challenges confronting a state (or region). The particular objective may differ, but much of the infra-structure needed to deal with one or another problem — illicit trafficking and SALW on the one hand, control over chemical, biological, nuclear materials and components on the other — may overlap in fundamental ways. Passing legislation, applying laws, creating infrastructure, training a corps of specialists to deal with strategic trade controls, border controls, and the like, can be a first step for a range of near term objectives, but such steps also can be adjusted and serve as a template to deal with other priority concerns of a state as noted above.

Second, coordinating organs within sub-regional organizations have played a crucial role helping to implement agreed-upon treaties, accords, and protocols. Such bodies have in some cases been relatively successful managing the sharing of information, harmonizing legislation, running awareness-raising programs, and lobbying governments to implement commitments. The Regional Center on Small Arms and Light Weapons (RECSA) in the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa is a fully recognized independent sub-regional coordinating body with a legal mandate that facilitates implementation information-sharing and provides crucial assistance in harmonizing small arms legislation in the sub-region as agreed upon in the PoA.

RECSA is also the forum for regional workshops and seminars on small-arms legislation. In SADC, the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization has taken a leadership role, and a Task Team to address SALW issues has also been set up and mandated to lead sub-regional efforts to implement PoA. The Task Team in addition aims to study the potential for implementation of the SADC Protocol, using the Nairobi Protocol and RESCA in its coordinating role as a model. SADC looking at the Nairobi Protocol and RESCA is another lesson learned: sub-regional organizations can learn implementation and infrastructural lessons from each other.

Recognizing that there are other pressing issues on the African continent, and that the WMD issue currently receive relatively little political attention, it should not be ruled out that Africa, if motivated and provided with adequate resources, can continue to make progress with regard to WMD nonproliferation and international treaties, agreements, and resolutions, such as 1540. This is particularly true if other pressing issues noted above receive increased attention from outside states and international organizations.


The culture of the particular regions or regional organizations in question, resolution 1540 legitimacy deficit, priorities, and capacity are challenges to be considered when trying to utilize regional organizations in facilitating the implementation of resolution 1540. However, as can be seen from the specific cases above there are windows of opportunity in all three regions for the utilization of regional organizations in implementing 1540.

First, in contrast to some other regional organizations, whose scope may only encompass economic and cultural issues, international peace and security or regional security, is, if not the primary concern, at least increasingly important for the OAS, ASEAN, and African regional and sub-regional organizations. Second, these regional organizations have forums or bodies in which the mentioned issues are handled. Third, there are precedents showing that these regional organizations have been, or are currently actively involved in 1540 implementation activities, or activities similar to what would be required to implement 1540.

One specific recommendation to fulfill the potential for regional organization to play a role in the process toward 1540 implementation is to establish a unit dedicated to the 1540 agenda within the existing regional organization forums mentioned above, each of which have a broadly defined security focus covering terrorism, transnational illegal trafficking in all its aspects, and related cross-border criminal activities. An alternative would be to create an independent unit dedicated exclusively to implementing Resolution 1540. Such a unit within each regional (or where more appropriate, sub-regional) organization would be dedicated explicitly and exclusively to the implementation of the resolution, unlike the earlier mentioned entities that have a broadly defined security focus.

An independent unit could devote systematic, continuous attention to the WMD challenge while coordinating with institutions having broader but related missions. It could function as a bridge between the individual states, the regional organization and the 1540 Committee, but also liaise with sub-regional organizations and other institutions that have implementation resources available, such as the IAEA and the OPCW. Proposed entities could coordinate training, generate debate, provide for the sharing of information, establish best-practice guidelines and, in general, oversee the implementation of 1540.

In cases where sub-regional organizations were deemed to be more appropriate (likely the case for Africa with its great expanse and wide diversification in terms of levels of development, prioritization of issues confronting contiguous states and the like), they could take on these responsibilities. The work of these entities could also benefit the outreach activities organized by the UN and other organizations because they would be able to pinpoint the specific regional or sub-regional issues needing attention and recommend that they be the focus of seminars, assistance and other outreach activities. These proposed entities would coordinate a regional organization's efforts with regard to 1540 implementation, ensure that there is no duplication of work and that valuable resources would be utilized for their intended purpose and not wasted.

Notwithstanding the obligatory nature of Resolution 1540, states that see the issues that prompted the resolution as remotely, if at all, relevant to their own situations in terms of urgency, priority or allocation of scarce resources, may consider non-implementation of Resolution 1540 to be a totally rational act on their part. Ultimately, however, such decisions, if pursued by other states for any reason, would lead to continued or increased risk of the spread of WMD to terrorist organizations and undermine the common security of all—a situation described in academic literature as a "tragedy of the commons," wherein behavior driven by self-interest to maximize private gains (or minimize private costs) threatens common security.[6]

In an age characterized by the rise of disaffected, alienated or apocalyptic movements, the last thing that we can afford is the existence of weak links in the chain of control over WMD, their components or their means of delivery. Today, common security can only be achieved by common efforts because, as pointed out by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, "In today's world, the security of every one of us is linked to that of everyone else."[7] In other words, the global community can either collectively strengthen measures against WMD terrorism, as laid out in resolution 1540, or continue to face the same or increased risk of a terrorist organization acquiring and using a chemical, biological, or nuclear or radiological weapon with all the consequences that would entail for civil society and social order.


[1] This paper reflects the broad themes and conclusions from a joint United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research and Monterey Institute of International Studies study on the role of regional organizations in implementing 1540. The study, Implementing Resolution 1540: the Role of Regional Organizations, which was released in September of 2008, was directed by Dr. Lawrence Scheinman. Johan Bergenas is one of several contributors to the publication. Other authors included Dominique Dye, Monica Herz, Tanya Ogilvie-White, and Jean du Preez.
[2] Gabriel H Oosthuizen, and Elizabeth Wilmshurst, "Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction:United Nations Security Resolution 1540," Chatham House Briefing Paper, September 2004.
[3] See the following reports and papers: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's July 28, 2006, report to the Security Council, "A regional-global security partnership: challenges and opportunities;" Former 1540 Committee Chairman, Ambassador Peter Burian, "Talking Points," For the Briefing of Outgoing Chairmen to the Security Council on 17 December, 2007; 1540 Committee Chairman, Ambassador Jorge Urbina, remarks during a Joint Briefing by the Chairmen of the Security Council Committees established pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004) on 6 May, 2008; Johan Bergenäs (with Lawrence Scheinman), "The role of regional and sub-regional organizations in implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540: a preliminary assessment of the African continent," UNIDIR Highlights: number 5, 2007; and Johan Bergenäs (2008) "THE SLIPPERY SLOPE OF RATIONAL INACTION," The Nonproliferation Review, 15:2, 373 — 380.
[4] See Jean du Preez, "The Race Towards Entry Into Force of the Pelindaba Treaty: Mozambique Leading the Charge," CNS Research Story, March 31, 2008.
[5] Nana Effah-Apenteng, UN Security Council 5635th meeting, February 23, 2007.
[6] Johan Bergenäs (2008) "The Slippery Slope of Rational Inaction," The Nonproliferation Review, 15:2, 373 — 380
[7] Kofi Annan, remarks at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, December 11, 2006