







United Nations :S/2008/259
Security Council
Distr.: General
18 April 2008
Original: English

Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Nepal


The present report, prepared pursuant to the provisions of Security Council resolution 1612 (2005), is presented to the Council as the second country report on the situation of children and armed conflict in Nepal. It covers the period from 1 October 2006 to 31 December 2007 and follows my first report (S/2006/1007) and the subsequent conclusions and recommendations of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict (S/AC.51/2007/8).

The report indicates that although grave violations of children’s rights have decreased significantly since the signing of the comprehensive ceasefire agreement, violations against children have not ceased. The report notes that substantial numbers of children were recruited by the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M) prior to the signing of the ceasefire agreement and moved into cantonments. No progress has been achieved in securing their formal discharge although many have been released informally.

The report also notes that social unrest in the Terai region has contributed to a pattern of protests and emergence of political and armed groups that have created new risks for children, including recruitment. In particular, the report highlights the increasing use of children by all major political parties in political demonstrations, strikes and blockades.

The present report makes a number of recommendations, including recommendations that the CPN-M agree to a concrete, time-bound action plan to implement its commitment to release children in the Maoist army; and end obstacles to the reintegration of informally released children. It also recommends that the Government of Nepal make a clear commitment to the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed groups, and that it enhance the legal protection of children, by criminalizing child recruitment and prosecuting violators of children’s rights.

The report also calls on armed groups in the Terai to end violations of children’s rights, and on political parties to end the use of children in demonstrations, strikes and blockades.

I. Introduction

1. The present report, prepared in accordance with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1612 (2005), covers the period from 1 October 2006 to 31 December 2007 and follows my first report on the situation of children and armed conflict in Nepal (S/2006/1007) and the subsequent conclusions and recommendations of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict (S/AC.51/2007/8). The report examines trends in violations of children’s rights in the volatile aftermath of Nepal’s decade-long armed conflict, with a focus on the six grave violations listed in the resolution: killing and maiming of children; recruitment and use of children as soldiers; abductions; sexual violence; attacks on schools and hospitals; and the denial of humanitarian access to children.
1. 今回の報告書は、2005年に採択された国連安保理決議1612に基づき作成されたもので、ネパールにおける子どもと武力紛争の状況についての2度目の国別報告書として安保理に提出された。報告書は2006年10月1日から2007年12月31日までのネパールの状況を取り上げており、国連事務総長による初回報告と子どもと武力紛争に関する作業部会の一連の決定と勧告も踏まえている。報告書は10年に及ぶ武力紛争の余波を受け、子どもたちの権利がどのように侵害されているのかについて検証したものである。報告書は、国連安保理決議に列挙されている①殺害と傷害②徴兵③誘拐④性的暴力⑤学校と病院の襲撃⑥子どもたちへの人道支援の拒絶-の6つの重大な侵害例に焦点を当てている。

2. Grave violations of children’s rights have decreased significantly since the signing of Nepal’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006. The peace process as a whole has made important progress in a short time frame. However, violations against children have not ceased: (a) Substantial numbers of children were recruited by the Maoist army just before the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. No progress was achieved in securing the formal discharge of these children although large numbers have been informally released; (b) Social unrest linked to long-standing issues of exclusion has contributed to a steady pattern of protests and the emergence of political and armed groups in the southern Terai plains that have created new risks for children, including displacement, killings and recruitment; (c) Despite the Government’s efforts, public security has been undermined in many areas as State law enforcement agencies have not yet been able to extend their reach in a way that allows them to address security problems consistently or effectively. Political parties and movements are involved in widespread and sometimes violent street protests and strikes, and children are frequently drawn into risky forms of participation in public demonstrations, strikes and blockades.
2. 子どもたちの権利の重大な侵害は、ネパールが2006年に包括的な和平合意に調印してから、劇的に減少している。和平プロセス全体としては、短期間で重要な進歩を見せている。しかし、子どもたちの権利の侵害はなくなったわけではない。例えば、(a)包括的和平合意の直前に、毛派軍はかなりの数の子どもたちを徴兵。徴兵された子どもたちの多くは非公式に解放されたというが、解放の事実が公式に保障されているわけではない(b)長年に渡る排斥運動と関連する社会不安により、南部のテライ地区では抗議活動が状態化し、政治的武装闘争集団が台頭している。このことが、子どもたちの避難民化、殺害、徴兵などを含む新たな危機を招いている(c)ネパール政府の努力の一方で、多くの地域で治安が悪化している。治安問題に一貫して、効果的に取り組むための行政機関の権限が未だに及んでいないことが原因だ。政党や政治集団は、ときに暴力的な抗議デモやストライキに広く関与している。子どもたちはしばし、そうした危険な形態を取るデモやストライキ、封鎖活動に引きずり込まれてしまっている。

I. Political, military and social developments
II. 政治的、軍事的、社会的発展

3. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement consolidated earlier agreements and declared an end to the Maoist insurgency. The accord also incorporated the basic arrangements for the cantonment of Maoist army combatants, the restriction of the Nepal Army to its barracks and the storage of arms and munitions of both sides. The Government and CPN-M signed a separate Agreement for Monitoring the Management of Arms and Armies witnessed by the United Nations on 8 December 2006. The agreement prohibits abduction, sexual violence, denial of humanitarian access, and the military recruitment or use of children under 18. It commits both parties to the immediate release and reintegration of children associated with armed forces.
3. 包括的和平合意は過去の合意を統合したもので、毛派の武装闘争の終結を謳っている。また、合意には、毛派軍の野営地、兵舎に対するネパール軍による規制、ネパール軍と毛派軍双方の武器・弾薬の備蓄などに関する基礎的取決が盛り込まれている。ネパール政府とネパール共産党毛沢東主義派は2006年12月8日、国連の軍事監視を受け入れる特別協定に調印した。この協定は、18歳以下の子どもたちを対象にした誘拐や性的暴力、人道支援アクセスの拒絶、徴兵を禁じている。同時に、協定に調印した双方の当事者に、軍隊に在籍する子どもたちの即座の解放と社会復帰のための義務を果たすよう求めている。

4. While both the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Agreement for Monitoring the Management of Arms and Armies contained provisions for disbanding the militia linked to the Maoist army, neither presented detailed plans in this regard. The parties to the peace process have yet to provide for the release arrangements and reintegration programmes that would have allowed children in those forces their rights to measures for recovery and reintegration. The Maoist militia carried out a range of functions during the conflict, including mobilization, propaganda, serving as an irregular army and providing different forms of “law enforcement” in areas under CPN-M control. When the Maoist militia was disbanded, many members reportedly joined the CPN-M’s Young Communist League, an organization re-established in December 2006. Some members of the Maoist army are also known to have joined the League rather than join cantonments. Some of these Young Communist League recruits from the Maoist army and militia are under 18.

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