



Rising food prices:
Policy options and World Bank response

This note is being distributed for information as background to the discussion of recent market developments at the Development Committee meeting. It was prepared by PREM, ARD and DEC, drawing from work across the Bank.

1. Context
1. 背景

1.1 Rising food prices: trends and determinants
The rising trend in international food prices continued, and even accelerated, in 2008.
1.1 食糧価格の高騰:傾向と決定因子

U.S. wheat export prices rose from $375/ton in January to $440/ton in March, and Thai rice export prices increased from $365/ton to $562/ton. This came on top of a 181 percent increase in global wheat prices over the 36 months leading up to February 2008, and a 83 percent increase in overall global food prices over the same period.

Increased bio-fuel production has contributed to the rise in food prices.

Concerns over oil prices, energy security and climate change have prompted governments to take a more proactive stance towards encouraging production and use of bio-fuels.1

This has led to increased demand for bio-fuel raw materials, such as wheat, soy, maize and palm oil, and increased competition for cropland.

Almost all of the increase in global maize production from 2004 to 2007 (the period when grain prices rose sharply) went for bio-fuels production in the U.S., while existing stocks were depleted by an increase in global consumption for other uses.2 Other developments, such as droughts in Australia and poor crops in the E.U. and Ukraine in 2006 and 2007, were largely offset by good crops and increased exports in other countries and would not, on their own, have had a significant impact on prices.
(穀物価格が上昇した)2004年から2007年にはトウモロコシの世界的な生産量が増加し、そのほとんどすべてが米国のバイオ燃料生産に使われた一方で、他の用途で必要なトウモロコシの世界的な消費量も増大し、トウモロコシの備蓄は尽きてしまった。2 2006年と2007年のオーストラリアでの干ばつやEU諸国とウクライナで見られた農作物の不作は、豊作だった他国からの農作物の輸入量を増やすことで埋め合わせることができ、食糧価格に対して深刻な影響を及ぼすには至らなかった。

Only a relatively small share of the increase in food production prices (around 15%) is due directly to higher energy and fertilizer costs.3

The observed increase in food prices is not a temporary phenomenon, but likely to persist in the medium term.

Food crop prices are expected to remain high in 2008 and 2009 and then begin to decline as
supply and demand respond to high prices; however, they are likely to remain well above the 2004 levels through 2015 for most food crops. Forecasts of other major organizations (FAO, OECD, and USDA) that regularly monitor and project commodity prices are broadly consistent with these projections.

Predictions of high food price in the medium run are further strengthened when we factor in the impact of policies aimed at achieving energy security and reduced carbon dioxide emissions, which may present strong trade-offs with food security objectives.

1 Numerous countries have set standards or targets for use of bio-fuels. The E.U. has set a goal of 5.75 percent of motor fuel use from bio-fuels by 2010. The U.S. has mandated the use of 28.4 billion liters of bio-fuels for transportation by 2012. Brazil will require that all diesel oil contain 2 percent bio-diesel by 2008 and 5 percent by 2013, and Thailand will require 10 percent ethanol in all gasoline starting in 2007. India mandates a 5 percent ethanol blend in nine states, and China is requiring a 10 percent ethanol blend in five provinces.
1 いくつかの国がバイオ燃料活用のための基準、ないし目標を設定している。EUは2010年までにモーター燃料の5.75%をバイオ燃料とする目標を定めた。米国は2012年までに運輸に必要な燃料として284億リットルのバイオ燃料を使用するとしている。ブラジルは2007年までにディーゼル油全体の2%をバイオ燃料にし、2013年までに5%に引き上げることを要請している。タイは2007年に、すべてのガソリンにエタノールを10%使用することとした。インドは9つの州で5%のエタノールの使用を義務付けている。中国は5つの区でエタノールを10%混ぜるよう要請している。

2 From 2004 to 2007, global maize production increased 51 million tons, biofuel use in the U.S. increased 50 million tons and global consumption for all other uses increased 33 million tons, which caused global stocks to decline by 30 million tons (Mitchell 2008).
2 2004年から2007年まで、トウモロコシの世界的な生産量は5100万トン増加した。そのうち米国で使用されるバイオ燃料用としてのトウモロコシの生産量は5000万トン増え、その他の国でのトウモロコシの消費量は3300万トン増大した。結果として世界的なトウモロコシの貯蔵量は3000万トン減少した(ミッチェル 2008年)

3 Mitchell (2008) ‘A note on rising food prices’ (mimeo)
3 ミッチェル(2008年)「食糧価格高騰に関する覚書」

1.2 Impact on countries and households
1.2 国と所帯への影響

Rising global food prices are contributing to high food inflation in many countries.

The pass-through of rising global prices does not translate into an immediate and proportionate rise in domestic price levels, due to various factors such as a weakening dollar, domestic infrastructure and price stabilization policies. While the extent of global price transmission varies, over the past year there have been significant surges in domestic food
price inflation in countries such as Sri Lanka (34%), Costa Rica (21%), and Egypt (13.5%).

In many countries and regions, food price inflation is higher than aggregate inflation and contributing to underlying inflationary pressures. For example, in Europe and Central Asia overall inflation in 2007 averaged 10%, food inflation 15% and bread and cereals inflation 23%.4 This compares to 6% overall inflation and 6.4% food inflation in 2006.
多くの国や地域で、総インフレよりも高い食糧価格の暴騰が起きており、潜在的なインフレ圧力の一因となっている。例えば、ヨーロッパや中央アジアにおける2007年の総インフレ平均率は10%だが、食糧価格のインフレ率は15%、パンや穀物価格のインフレ率は23%だった。4 2006年では総インフレ率が6%であるのに対し、食糧価格のインフレ率は6.4%だった。

The terms-of-trade effects of these higher food prices have generally been mitigated by rising non-food commodity prices, although these averages mask significant balance of payments impacts for certain countries. When all primary commodity price changes are considered, the terms-of-trade impacts become large and positive for resource rich countries as exports of oil and other commodities more than compensate for higher food prices. Countries with the largest negative terms-of-trade impact include Lesotho, Eritrea and Gambia.

The distributional impacts of rising food prices can be serious even in countries where the balance of payments has not been adversely affected.

While some households benefit from higher prices, others are hurt by them, depending on whether they are net producers or consumers of the food staple and the extent to which wages adjust to higher food price inflation. In general poor people, especially in urban areas, suffer due to rising food prices.

Using a sample of household data for eight low income countries, a recent paper5 analyzes the
impacts of higher prices of key staple foods on poverty, taking into account direct impacts from changes in commodity prices, and impacts through changes in wage rates for unskilled labor. The results show that, in six of the eight countries considered, price increases for staple foods were associated with a significant rise in poverty.

Averaging across these eight countries, the increase in food prices between 2005 and 2007 is estimated to have increased poverty by 3 percentage points. A recent assessment in Indonesia shows that over three-fourths of the poor are net rice buyers, and an increase in the relative rice price by 10 percent will result in an additional two million poor people (or 1% of the population). Analysis using an alternative price index weighted according to the consumption patterns of the poor in Latin America suggests that in most countries of the region, the
effective inflation rate faced by the poor is higher than the official rate by 3 percentage points.6

4 Alam, Kathuria and Vybornaia (2008) ‘Rising Food Grains and Energy Prices in ECA: Some Economic and Poverty Implications, and Policy Responses’ (mimeo).

5 Ivanic and Martin (2008) ‘Implications of Higher Global Food Prices for Poverty in Low-Income Countries.’

6 ‘Rising Global Food Prices – the World Bank’s LAC region position paper’ (2008).6.「世界的な食糧価格の高騰:世界銀行ラテンアメリカ委員会による地域別報告」(2008)

For many countries and regions where progress in reducing poverty has been slow, the negative poverty impact of rising food prices risks undermining the poverty gains of the last 5 to 10 years, at least in the short term.

For example, in the case of Yemen, estimates show that the doubling of wheat prices over the last year could reverse all gains in poverty reduction achieved between 1998 and 2005. Over the long term, the impact on poverty of higher food and other commodity prices is less clear and depends partly on how overall economic growth responds to increased wealth accumulation and investment by net food-selling rural households.

2. What can governments do?

Policy interventions can be divided into three broad classes: (i) interventions to ensure household food security by strengthening targeted safety nets; (ii) interventions to lower domestic food prices through short-run trade policy measures or administrative action, and (iii) interventions to enhance longer-term food supply. Within all three categories of policies there are ‘first best’ or preferred options that are more effective and equitable, and introduce fewer distortions. Annex I summarizes the main policy options and ranks them according to the extent to which they meet these and other desirable criteria.

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