



28 May 2008
Original: ENGLISH
DUBLIN 19 . 30 MAY 2008
Presidency Paper

draft Convention on Cluster Munitions

The States Parties to this Convention,

Deeply concerned that civilian populations and individual civilians continue to bear the brunt of armed conflict,

Determined to put an end for all time to the suffering and casualties caused by cluster munitions at the time of their use, when they fail to function as intended or when they are abandoned,

Concerned that cluster munition remnants kill or maim civilians, including women and children, obstruct economic and social development, including through the loss of livelihood, impede post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction, delay or prevent the return of refugees and internally displaced persons, can negatively impact on national and international peace-building and humanitarian assistance efforts, and have other severe consequences that can persist for many years after use,

Deeply concerned also at the dangers presented by the large national stockpiles of cluster munitions retained for operational use and determined to ensure their rapid destruction,

Believing it necessary to contribute effectively in an efficient, coordinated manner to resolving the challenge of removing cluster munition remnants located throughout the world, and to ensure their destruction,

Determined also to ensure the full realisation of the rights of all cluster munition victims and recognising their inherent dignity,

Resolved to do their utmost in providing assistance to cluster munition victims, including medical care, rehabilitation, and psychological support, as well as for their social and economic inclusion,

Recognising the need to provide age and gender sensitive assistance to cluster munition victims, and to address the special needs of vulnerable groups,

Bearing in mind the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which, inter alia, requires that States Parties to that Convention undertake to ensure and promote the full realisation of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons with disabilities without discrimination of any kind on the basis of disability,

Mindful of the need to coordinate adequately efforts undertaken in various fora to address the rights and needs of victims of various types of weapons, and resolved to avoid discrimination among victims of various types of weapons,

Determined further that in cases not covered by this Convention or by other international agreements, civilians and combatants remain under the protection and authority of the principles of international law, derived from established custom, from the principles of humanity and from the dictates of public conscience,

Resolved also that armed groups distinct from the armed forces of a State shall not, under any circumstances, be permitted to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party to this Convention,

Welcoming the very broad international support for the international norm prohibiting anti-personnel mines, enshrined in the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction,

Welcoming also the adoption of the Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War, annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects and its entry into force on 12 November 2006, and wishing to enhance the protection of civilians from the effects of cluster munition remnants in post-conflict environments,

Bearing in mind also United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1612 on children in armed conflict,

Welcoming further the steps taken nationally, regionally and globally in recent years, aimed at prohibiting, restricting or suspending the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions,

Stressing the role of public conscience in furthering the principles of humanity as evidenced by the global call for an end to civilian suffering caused by cluster munitions and recognising the efforts to that end undertaken by the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Cluster Munition Coalition and numerous other non-governmental organisations around the world,

Reaffirming the Declaration of the Oslo Conference on Cluster Munitions, by which States inter alia recognised the grave consequences caused by the use of cluster munitions and committed themselves to conclude by 2008 a legally binding instrument that would prohibit the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and would establish a framework for cooperation and assistance that provides adequate provision of care and rehabilitation for victims, clearance of contaminated areas, risk reduction education and destruction of stockpiles,

Emphasising the desirability of attracting the adherence of all States to this Convention, and determined to work strenuously towards the promotion of its universalisation and its full implementation,

Basing themselves on the principles and rules of international humanitarian law, in particular the principle that the right of parties to an armed conflict to choose methods or means of warfare is not unlimited, and the rules that the parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly direct their operations against military objectives only, that in the conduct of military operations constant care shall be taken to spare the civilian population, civilians and civilian objects and that the civilian population and individual civilians enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1

General obligations and scope of application

1. Each State Party undertakes never under any circumstances to:

(a) Use cluster munitions;
(a) クラスター爆弾の使用;

(b) Develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer to anyone, directly or indirectly, cluster munitions;
(b) クラスター爆弾の直接的、もしくは間接的な開発、製造、取得、備蓄、保有、もしくは他者への移転

(c) Assist, encourage or induce anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention.
(c) この条約が当事国に禁じているあらゆる活動への他国の関与の支援、奨励、誘導

2. Paragraph 1 of this Article applies, mutatis mutandis, to explosive bomblets that are specifically designed to be dispersed or released from dispensers affixed to aircraft.

3. This Convention does not apply to mines.

Article 2


For the purposes of this Convention:

1. “Cluster munition victims” means all persons who have been killed or suffered physical or psychological injury, economic loss, social marginalisation or substantial impairment of the realisation of their rights caused by the use of cluster munitions. They include those persons directly impacted by cluster munitions as well as their affected families and communities;

2. “Cluster munition” means a conventional munition that is designed to disperse or release explosive submunitions each weighing less than 20 kilograms, and includes those explosive submunitions. It does not mean the following:

(a) A munition or submunition designed to dispense flares, smoke, pyrotechnics or chaff; or a munition designed exclusively for an air defence role;
(a) 閃光や煙幕を拡散する爆発物、もしくは小型爆発物、火工術が施された爆発物やチャフ、あるいは、航空防衛用途での爆発性物質

(b) A munition or submunition designed to produce electrical or electronic effects;
(b) 電気、あるいは電子効果の生じる爆発物、もしくは小型爆発物

(c) a munition, that in order to avoid indiscriminate area effects and the risks posed by unexploded submunitions, has all of the following characteristics:
(c) 影響範囲が無差別に及ぶことを避け、小型爆発物の不発弾化による危険を回避した爆発物で以下のような性質のもの

(i) Each munition contains fewer than 10 explosive submunitions;
(i) 内含する小型爆発物が10個以下のすべての爆発物

(ii) Each explosive submunition weighs more than four kilograms;
(ii) 4キログラム以下のすべての小型爆発物

(iii) Each explosive submunition is designed to detect and engage a single target object;
(iii) 探知可能で、単一目的を標的としたすべての小型爆発物

(iv) Each explosive submunition is equipped with an electronic self-destruction mechanism;
(iv) 電子的な自己破壊機器が備え付けられたすべての小型爆発物

(v) Each explosive submunition is equipped with an electronic self-deactivating feature;
(v) 電子的な自己不活性化機能が備え付けられたすべての小型爆発物

3. “Explosive submunition” means a conventional munition that in order to perform its task is dispersed or released by a cluster munition and is designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact;

4. “Failed cluster munition” means a cluster munition that has been fired, dropped, launched, projected or otherwise delivered and which should have dispersed or released its explosive submunitions but failed to do so;

5. “Unexploded submunition” means an explosive submunition which has been dispersed or released by, or otherwise separated from, a cluster munition and has failed to explode as intended;
5. 「不発弾となった小型爆弾」とは、投射、散布されるなどして、クラスター爆弾から発射された爆発性小型兵器が、想定通りに爆発しなかったものを指す

6. “Abandoned cluster munitions” means cluster munitions or explosive submunitions that have not been used and that have been left behind or dumped, and that are no longer under the control of the party that left them behind or dumped them. They may or may not have been prepared for use;
6. 「遺棄されたクラスター爆弾」とはクラスター爆弾、もしくは爆発性小型兵器が使用されることなく放置、投棄され、それらを放置、投棄した当事者の管理下にないものを意味する。それらは使用に向けて備蓄されていた、あるいは使用に向けて備蓄されるはずだったものである。

7. “Cluster munition remnants” means failed cluster munitions, abandoned cluster munitions, unexploded submunitions and unexploded bomblets;
7. 「クラスター爆弾の残存性物質」とは、機能不全となったクラスター爆弾、遺棄されているクラスター爆弾、不発弾化した小型兵器、もしくは子爆弾を意味する。

8. “Transfer” involves, in addition to the physical movement of cluster munitions into or from national territory, the transfer of title to and control over cluster munitions, but does not involve the transfer of territory containing cluster munition remnants;
8. 「移転」とは、領域内への、もしくは領域内からの物理的な移動に加えて、クラスター爆弾の所有・管理における移転も意味する。ただし、クラスター爆弾の残存物が遺棄されている領域における移転は含まない。

9. “Self-destruction mechanism” means an incorporated automatically-functioning mechanism, which is in addition to the primary initiating mechanism of the munition, and which secures the destruction of the munition into which it is incorporated;
9. 「自己破壊装置」とは、自動的に機能する内蔵された装置で、兵器の基礎的な起爆装置に加え、兵器の破壊を確実なものにするため内蔵された装置を意味する。

10. “Self-deactivating” means automatically rendering a munition inoperable by means of the irreversible exhaustion of a component, for example, a battery, that is essential to the operation of the munition;
10. 「自己非活性化」とは、バッテリーなど、兵器の機能に不可欠な構成要素を不可逆的に消耗させ、自動的に機能不全にさせるものをいう

11. “Cluster munition contaminated area” means an area known or suspected to contain cluster munition remnants;
11. 「クラスター爆弾汚染地域」とは、クラスター爆弾残存物質があると知られている、もしくは、そう疑われている地域を意味する。

12. “Mine” means a munition designed to be placed under, on or near the ground or other surface area and to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person or a vehicle;
12. 「地雷」とは、地表下や地表上、もしくはその付近、あるいは他の場所の表面に敷設され、人や車両の存在、接近、接触などにより爆発するよう設計された兵器を意味する。

13. “Explosive bomblet” means a conventional munition, weighing less than 20 kilograms, which is not self-propelled and which in order to perform its task is dispersed or released by a dispenser, and is designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact;
13. 「子爆弾」とは、重さは20キログラム以下で、自走式ではなく、投射物により発射、散布され、衝撃の直前、その瞬間、あるいはその直後に爆発し、害敵効果をもたらすよう設計された通常兵器を意味する。

14. “Dispenser” means a container which is designed to disperse or release explosive bomblets and which is affixed to an aircraft at the time of dispersal or release;
14. 「投射物」とは、子爆弾を含有し、発射、散布するよう設計されているものであり投射、散布の際には、航空機に装着されているものを意味する。

15. “Unexploded bomblet” means an explosive bomblet which has been dispersed, released or otherwise separated from a dispenser and has failed to explode as intended.
15. 「不発弾化した子爆弾とは、投射、散布のような方法で、投射物から放たれた子爆弾が想定通り爆発しなかったものを意味する。

Article 3

Storage and stockpile destruction

1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with national regulations, separate all cluster munitions under its jurisdiction and control from munitions retained for operational use and mark them for the purpose of destruction.

2. Each State Party undertakes to destroy or ensure the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article as soon as possible but not later than eight years after the entry into force of this Convention for that State Party. Each State Party undertakes to ensure that destruction methods comply with applicable international standards for protecting public health and the environment.

3. If a State Party believes that it will be unable to destroy or ensure the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article within eight years of entry into force of this Convention for that State Party it may submit a request to a Meeting of States Parties or a Review Conference for an extension of the deadline for completing the destruction of such cluster munitions by a period of up to four years. A State Party may, in exceptional circumstances, request additional extensions of up to four years. The requested extensions shall not exceed the number of years strictly necessary for that State Party to complete its obligations under paragraph 2 of this Article.

4. Each request for an extension shall contain:

(a) The duration of the proposed extension;
(a) 要請された延長期限の継続;

(b) A detailed explanation of the proposed extension, including the financial and technical means available to or required by the State Party for the destruction of all cluster munitions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and where applicable, the exceptional circumstances justifying it;
(b) 第3条1項を踏まえたすべてのクラスター爆弾の廃棄のために、当事国に求められる利用可能な財政的・技術的手段など、延長要請のための詳細な説明。説明が適切な場合は、例外的状況として延長を正当化;

(c) A plan for how and when stockpile destruction will be completed;
(c) いつ、どのようにして備蓄の廃棄を完了させるのかに関する計画

(d) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions held at the entry into force of this Convention for that State Party and any additional cluster munitions or explosive submunitions discovered after entry into force;
(d) 条約発効時において保有されているクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量、また、条約発効後に追加したすべてのクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量

(e) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions destroyed during the period referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article; and
(e) 第3条2項において言及されている期限内に廃棄されたクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量、そして

(f) The quantity and type of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions remaining to be destroyed during the proposed extension and the annual destruction rate expected to be achieved.
(f) 期限が延長された間に廃棄される予定の残存しているクラスター爆弾と爆発性小型兵器の種類と量、また、年間に廃棄可能な量

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